Weight Lifting Accessories - Weight Training Accessory
Special Promotion
Pictured to the right is a photo of Alan P Thomas of APT Pro Lifting Gear and myself. Alan is a good guy and one of the few people in the iron game that I trust. I personally use APT products such the bench belt, power belt, convict wrist wraps, knee sleeves, kettlebells, and forearm bar to name a few. You get the point. Why do you care though?
You care because I worked out a promotion with APT to offer you one free set of 12" Wrist Wraps in any Design OR one free set of Basic Lifting Straps. (one free set per order of one or the other)
If you are interested please see the details below:
Simply place ANY size order with NO Minimum order amount. When checking out & in the "Extra Info/Comments"section state the design by Name and if you want 12" Wrist
Wraps OR the Basic set of Lifting Straps (Black or Natural).
In the "Coupon" section when checking out use the Promo code of CBENCH (one word no spaces) and you're good to go. That's it, simple and you're all set.
Keep training hard,
Critical Bench, Inc.
Weight Lifting & Training Accessory Categories
Wrist Wraps Only
12", 20", 24" & 36" Wrist Wraps-Convict Pro, ZRV-Pro, Black Mamba, Blue Power, RWB, Blue Bamba, Phantom, Blood Stripe, Thug, Black Reaper, Commando, Pink, Baby Blue.
Knee Wraps Only
2m, 2.5m & 3m with and without velcro knee wraps. ZRV-Pro, Black Mamba, Blue Power, RWB, Blue Bamba, Phantom, Blood Stripe, Thug, Black Reaper, Pink, Baby Blue. "FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS SQUAT HIGH"
Knee Wraps & Wrist Wraps ALL
12", 20", 24" & 36" Wrist Wraps. 2m, 2.5m & 3m with and without velcro knee wraps. Convict Pro, ZRV-Pro, Black Mamba, Blue Power, RWB, Blue Bamba, Blood Stripe, Thug, Black Reaper, Commando, Phantom, Pink, Baby Blue.
Weight Lifting Trophies and Sculptures
71+ ARTIST Quality sculptures and Trophies. Super detailed
and made of poly resin. These are not hollow, they are solid.
Sculpture Shipping Fee:
The shipping fee is Not collected or charged at the time of
order. The Shipping fee will be charged to your credit card
as a separate charge. PayPal users will be sent a money
request for the shipping fee.
Dumbbell POWER HOOKS, Excellent product if you use Dumbbells and better if you use HEAVY dumbbells.
Free Weight Fractional Plates
Fractional Plates? Sets of 1/4", 1/2", 3/4" & 1 lb weights for when you don't want to add a full 5 lbs from two 2.5 lb plates. Niceeeee!! 1" and 2" holes.
Nose Tork, Ammonia Caps Smelling Salts Inhalants
Nose Tork Bottles NEW NOSE TORK, Ammonia Caps in 10 pack, 10 packs of 10 or full 100 pack box. Ever see a powerlifter sniff something before they lift? This is it.
Thick Fat Heavy dumbbell handles
Thick Fat Heavy Dumbbell handles. 2", 2.5" and 3" handles for 2" olympic plates. Want to try something different, give these a try.
Kettlebell Dumbbell Solid Free Weights
Kettlebells Standard lbs, Metric Kettelbells kg's and Amuminum lbs kettlebells dumbbell free weights, 10 through 80 lbs. 6.5 and 7.3 inch diameters.
Wrist Roller Grip Roller, Forearm Strength
Wrist Roller Grip Rollers For Forearm Exercise & Grip
Choose from several different designs, great pricees!!!
Wrist Roller and Wrist Roller Grip Roller & Twister
Abdominal Cuffs & Slings
Abdominal Sling and Cuff, Excellent for attaching to the pull up bars and stack weight pullies.