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Powerlifting, Strongman, Strength Training Equipment & Info

Powerlifting Gear & Workout TipsYou'll find powerlifting supplies in this area of the site. To read powerlifting and strength training articles visit our huge article database. You'll find plenty of powerlifting routines and motivation. If you're looking for equipment we've partnered with APT Pro Wrist Straps to bring professional grade quality powerlifting gear.

If you're looking for powerlifting records visit our records page here. For links to more orginizations and federations please read our questions and answers article about how to chose a powerlifting federation.

Weight Lifting Weight Training Gear

Special Promotion

Weight Lifting Accessories Pictured to the right is a photo of Alan P Thomas of APT Pro Lifting Gear and myself. Alan is a good guy and one of the few people in the iron game that I trust. I personally use APT products such the bench belt, power belt, convict wrist wraps, knee sleeves, kettlebells, and forearm bar to name a few. You get the point. Why do you care though?

You care because I worked out a promotion with APT to offer you one free set of 12" Wrist Wraps in any Design OR one free set of Basic Lifting Straps. (one free set per order of one or the other)

If you are interested please see the details below:

Main Wrist Wraps Page:
Main Store Page

Simply place ANY size order with NO Minimum order amount. When checking out & in the "Extra Info/Comments"section state the design by Name and if you want 12" Wrist Wraps OR the Basic set of Lifting Straps (Black or Natural).

In the "Coupon" section when checking out use the Promo code of CBENCH (one word no spaces) and you're good to go. That's it, simple and you're all set.

Keep training hard,

Critical Bench, Inc.

Powerlifting Gear & Categories of Equipment

Apex Bench Press ShirtPower Magazine
POWER Magazine will feature concise, tightly edited articles on training, lifting gear, gym equipment, major meet news, nutrition, and the top powerlifting gyms around the world PLUS interviews with powerlifting's most interesting and influential personalities.

The goal of POWER Magazine is to give lifters and fans a great read about they sport they love... ONE place to find all the best information about powerlifting today...

For More Info Click Here


athletic tape sports tape pre wrapSports Tape - Athletic Tape - Pull Up Bar Tape
Pre wrap and athletic tape used in most sports, then the pre wrap is a thin material that is used to keep the tape from sticking to the hair or skin of the athlete. The tape is athletic tape, a white, cotton based adhesive material that sticks to almost anything, except if the surface is wet. It will tear and cut so that it can be sized for application. It is used on ankles to stabilize them to prevent sprains, and can be used almost anywhere to either prevent injury or keep and injured area from becoming worse.


Apex Bench Press ShirtAPEX Bench Press Shirt
Read the Review Of APT's New Single Ply APEX Bench Press Shirt. Two Lifters Test It Out & Two Lifters Get PRs.

APT Pro Gear's Unique sleeve configuration delivers more thrust with more ease for BIG benches at a world Record level. The straight cut sleeves and flexible back make it easy for you to put the shirt on and take it off. Tight sleeves aren't necessary in our shirt. The APEX Bench Press Shirt does what it's supposed to do,......let you bench BIG numbers with MAX support where you need it!!!! The APEX Bench Press Shirt is great for Archers and Non-Archers.


Hanging Ab Sling CuffsHanging Ab Sling
Ab slings are hanging straps, which are looped, padded, provided with metallic hooks that add to any bar or rod. You can hang on to these slings and perform leg curls.

These APT ab slings encourage superior toning, trimming and conditioning of the entire abdominal area without lower back strain. In fact, they can actually help a bad back by stretching the muscles and decompressing the spine.


weight lifting hooks strapsWeight Lifting Hooks
Weight Lifting Hooks are an aid to help you hold weight bars. All weight limits noted below are Approximates. DO NOT USE the weight lifting hooks to free hang or to let bars free hang from the hooks. The Weight Lifting Hooks are designed to hook onto a bar and for you to hold the hooks as a grip/strength aid. Weight limits are for BOTH hooks combined and your actual grip on the hooks/bar. These are Excellent Sellers, you'll LOVE THEM!!!


Fractional Plates Record Breaking PlatesFractional Plates - Record Breakers
Fractional Fraction Plates come in 1/4 lb, 1/2 lb, 3/4 lb and 1 lb weight sets. Don't want to add 2.5 lbs X-s (5 lbs) and want to add less (2 lbs) ? This is your fix!! Powder Coated, Chrome and Gold plated and built to last, fit standard olympic 2" & Standard 1" bars and dumbbells.

Quality - Plates are made from high-quality, powder-coated, Chrome and Gold plated steel (not aluminum). Each plate is machine etched with its weight for easy identification.


forearm bar grip hand strengthE-Flex Forearm Strength Bar
If you're interested in a very effective and versatile piece of training equipment that can be used for forearm and bicep training, the Forearm Bar is definitely something to add to your equipment roster. The Forearm Bar gives you a very strong pump in the forearms and the unique angles of the handles allows a more natural feel during the forearm exercises, making your hard forearm work more productive.


Weight Lifting & Powerliftng StrapsAPT Weight Lifting Straps
APT has the LARGEST selection of Lifting Straps available in the WORLD. EVERY set is CUSTOM BUILT when you order, NOTHING is stocked, NEVER EVER EVER!! No where else will you find CUSTOM built Lifting Straps that work this well, NO WHERE!

**Largest selection in the WORLD **Used by beginners to TOP PROs **80+ designs to choose from **Each CUSTOM built when ordered **100% money back guarantee **Choose options like padding, lettering, patches, Anti-Wear and more.... - 80+ designs and styles Pro Certified


bench press - powerlifting chainsBench Press, Powerlifting Chains
The purpose of chains in the bench press is to build speed (accelerating quickly off your chest) and learning how to explode the weight as you hit the lockout (the finish) of the bench press. As we bring the weight to our chest all the chains should just role into a pile on the floor. As you press the weight up, the chains then come off the floor with the bar making the weight heavier. - 2 products.


Bench Press Powerlifting BandsBench Press & Powerlifting Bands
Powerlifting bands provide one way to incorporate what's often called the contrast method into your program, which means the weight changes at different points of the lift.

In the case of bands, the weight constantly increases throughout the concentric movement, sometimes called 'accommodating resistance.' Bands make the eccentric portion of the lift considerably harder as well, and are great tools for learning speed and acceleration, maybe through a sticking point in your lift, or just to increase your starting strength or lockout ability. - 6 products


Powerlifting Knee WrapsProfessional Grade Knee Wraps
BRAND NEW DESIGN "BLUE POWER" 2 m, 2.5 m and 3m lenghts no velcro Super Strength, support and toughness. Increase your Knee support and increase the amount of weight that you can lift!! (Click on the title for details & bigger photo) Professional grade and designed by APT specifically for Hard Core lifting. - 36 Designs


Powerlifting Grip StrengthIvanko Super Gripper
The Ivanko Super Gripper is one of the most efficient forearm strengthening tools known to man. At just over two pounds, the Super Gripper is lightweight, portable and perfect for anyone who is serious about grip strength.

The sturdy die-cast metal frame is extremely durable and the pair of high tensile springs can be easily adjusted to provide over forty resistance levels. More springs are available upon request. - 1 product


TK Knee bandsTommy Kono Knee Bands
The Tommy Kono T. K. Knee Bands are specially developed knee bands which are not your typical knee sleeves, knee supporters or knee braces. When you wear the T. K. Knee Band, you know you have something that will protect your knees from injuries.

After you have used T. K. Knee Bands in your training and remove them, your knees will feel as if they are well lubricated and feel like new. Your knees will actually be sweating. T. K. Knee Bands gives great support by providing stability and warmth. T. K. Knee bands prevent injuries and promotes improved circulation. - 1 product - 2 sizes


Powerlifting Wrist WrapsProfessional Grade Wrist Wraps
This SUPER NEW 36" length BLACK MAMBA wrist wrap. Super Strength, support and toughness. Increase your wrist support and increase the amount of weight that you can lift. Medium to super heavy weight lifting! (Click on the title for details & bigger photo) Professional grade and designed by APT specifically for Hard Core lifting. - 36 Designs


Ronnie Coleman on the Road DVDRonnie Coleman - On The Road DVD
One off the Best Bodybuilding DVDs ever in the history of Bodybuilding that you will ever own!! Why do you think that Ronnie Coleman is the 8 time Mr Olympia champ,..........let Ronnie Coleman show you how here. You'll experience MOTIVATION like you have never have before!

See Ronnie's full HARDCORE WORKOUT and POSING when on the road! - 1 product


Bodybuilding Sculpture - Trophy - FigurineBodybuilding & Powerlifting Sculptures, Trophies & Figurines
These sculptures are made of a durable poly-resin coated with a beautiful metal like gallery bronze finish and hand-antiqued to highlight the details.

These figurines make great collectors items or they can be used as trophies for powerlifting meets and bodybuilding shows. Looking for a gift idea? You can't beat these sculptures that can be up to 20 inches tall! Click here to view the entire collection. - 21 sculptures


Weight Lifting Dip Belt
APT Logo PREMIUM Delux Black Leather Dipping Belt. HEAVY Black Premium Grade Leather Dip Dipping Belt Dipping Belt. APT Logo shows you mean business during your Heavy Dipping workouts!!. SUPER Tough and built to last. SUPER for Triceps and Chest. Fully adjustable chain.

Weight Lifting Dip Belt


Powerlifting ammonia capsPowerlifting Ammonia Caps
100 PACK Ammonia Inhalant Caps Capsule Powerlifting 100 PACK. These are Breakable Caps for weightlifting and Powerlifting Sports First Aid. Full 100 pack box at a bulk discount. Great for max lift attempts and for competition.

See this page for more details and use of the smelling salts.


Rehband Knee SleevesRehband Products - Sleeves/Braces/Support
Rehband,....Brand New for 2007,....Rehband (NEW Gray Color) Core Line replaces the Previous Blue Sport Line products,....Core Line is specially developed for athletes and seriously active people, its a more fitted and defined sport range for all athletes. Rehband, Expierence the Best of the Best.

The USAPL now defines raw/unequipped lifting as using only a singlet, belt, wrist wraps and knee sleeves. Now, a word on knee sleeves. At this point in time, as an organization we are going to accept ALL commercial grade knee sleeves until notified differently. The USAPL will now move raw/unequipped lifting from the local/state level to the national level. On this note, Harold Gaines will direct the first ever raw/unequipped national championships during July 2008, in St. Louis


Hand Finger Strength Grip MasterGrip Master - Hand Finger Strength
Each finger of the hand is powered by a completely separate system of muscles and tendons located in the hand, wrist, and forearm. Most of the hand�s power is generated by larger muscles in the forearm while finer movements are controlled by smaller muscles in the hand itself. Our wrist is the bridge which stabilizes the interaction of the hand & forearm.

The ability to control the ball or control the bat, racquet, or club all starts with the hands. Your hand is really five separate systems which work in seamless unity. The only way to develop superior strength, endurance, and coordination in your hands is to challenge and develop each finger individually.

Available in several colors and styles.


Powerlifting ChalkPowerlifting Chalk
APT Pro Gear Weight Lifting Powerlifting Gymnastics Chalk
Premium Grade weight lifting Powerlifting Gymnastics chalk
1 pound box of Weight Lifting Chalk
8 bars, 2 ounce bars per box
Superior Weight Lifting Chalk from Noberts
Excellent quality Chalk for ALL weight lifting sports & Exercise

This category also includes pine tar, stickum spray and grip paste.


Medicine Ballls for saleMedicine Balls
These DynaMax Medicine balls are oversized impact balls, meaning that they absorb impact upon contact with the body, a wall, the ground or floor.

For the fitness minded, it provides flexibility, coordination and gaining muscle. Medicine ball training is also used for rehab with the elderly. Light ball motions improve their joints and strengthen muscles. These types of motions are also used to rehab injuries. It focuses on recovery and rebuilding while preventing strain or stress on the process of redeveloping.


Powerlifting ChalkSteelStretch Compression Spandex Sports Shirts
Why do we believe that the new SteelStretch? compression shirt is the best one now available to the market? Three major reasons why

1. Better fit: We feel it provides a more comfortable, firmer fit. From the feedback we have received from our customers, they agree.

2. Lower price: It is a much better value for the money. Compare our price of $29.95, which is 40% to 50% less than the competition's.

3. No-Risk Guarantee: We are so sure that you will find SteelStretch to be the best compression shirt you have ever had that he will give you a full 30-day money back guarantee (including shipping charges) if you aren't completely satisfied. Just send it back; no questions asked.


Powerlifting singletsPowerlifting Singlets
What is a powerlifting singlet? It's an obvious question but you'd be surprised how many people aren't familiar with the term. A singlet literally means "one piece" of material. Kind of like a full piece bathing suit for girls. However this article of athletic clothing isn't used for looking good on the beach, it is used to compete in powerlifting. Most powerlifting federations require that all contestants wear powerlifting singlets in a powerlifting meet.


Weight Lifting Belts
Are you wondering what type of weight lifting belt you should buy? Read on for the information you need. A weight lifting belt is considered essential if you are lifting weights. Whether you are lifting weights for enjoyment as part of a fitness routine or you are into competitive weight lifting, then having support for your back muscles is very important.

Weight Lifting Belts


Knee Braces Knee Supports SleevesKnee Braces Supports
There are two kinds of knee braces. Functional knee braces are designed to substitute for damaged ligaments. For example, a patient who sustains an ACL tear may be offered a knee brace to wear in efforts to allow certain activities without surgery.

Prophylactic knee braces are used to prevent knee injuries. Prophylactic knee braces are worn by athletes who participate in some high-risk sports in an effort to minimize their risk of sustaining a knee injury.


Ankle Braces Ankle Supports SleevesAnkle Braces Supports
According to research your ankles are the most vulnerable part of your body. Ankle braces and supports can protect an inured ankle or can help your heal faster from an ankle sprain.

Ankle supports are comfortable and easy to wear. They're great if you have arthritus, a sports injury or just want to protect the joint.





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