Sample Meal Plans
On this page you will find sample meal plans for a variety of goals. For each plan there is both a male and female version. We all know how important lifting is to our physique, but proper nutrition and diet is equally vital.
Maximum Fat Burning / Lean Sparing Diets For losing fat as quickly as possible without losing muscle.
Lean Gain/Fat Burning Diets Controlled fat loss while increasing lean body mass. Perfect diet to apply with the Lean Mass Program.
Lean Gain / Off Season "Growth" Diets Went you want to grow while minimizing fat gain.
Bulk Up...High Calorie Weight Gainer When you are trying to put on size and weight.
Maximum Fat Burning / Lean Sparing Diets
Low to moderately low carbohydrate, moderate fat. Goal: When you need to lose as much fat as possible as quickly as possible without losing lean muscle tissue.
Sample Maximum Fat Burning/Lean Sparing Diet-Male
Meal #1
Meal #2
Meal #3
Meal #4
Meal #5
Monday and Thursday: Add a 6th meal at the end of the day: 1.5 cups oatmeal (precooked) or cooked rice, 10 oz. sweet potato, 4 oz. banana, 1 cup vegetables, 1 TBS butter
Sample Maximum Fat Burning / Lean Sparing Diet - Female
Monday and Thursday: Eat in place of your 5th meal at the end of the day: 1/2 cup oatmeal or 2/3 cup cooked rice, 6 oz. sweet potato, 4 oz. banana, 1 cup vegetables, 2 tsp. butter
Lean Gain/Fat Burning Diets
Moderate carbohydrate and fat diets. A ratio of 50% protein, 20% carbohydrate and 30% fat works very well. Goal: Controlled fat loss while increasing lean body mass.
Sample Lean Gain / Fat Burning Diet - Male
(Or if you are in a hurry in the morning and do not have time to prepare a meal mix the following in a blender and get all the nutrients in 1/10 the time)
2 scoops MRP, 3 TBS heavy whipping cream, 18 oz water and 1/3 cup quick oats
Meal #6
Sample Lean Gain / Fat Burning Diet - Female
2 scoops MRP, 1 TBS heavy whipping cream, 12 oz. water and 1/4 cup quick oats
Lean Gain / Off Season �Growth� Diets
Moderate to high carbohydrate 40% to 50% and lower fat diets. Goal: Maximize lean gains while minimizing fat gain.
Sample Lean Gain / Off Season Diet - Male
Meal # 1
Meal # 2
Meal # 3
Meal # 4
Meal # 5
Sample Lean Gain / Off Season Diet - Female
Bulk Up...High Calorie Weight Gainer
Goal: Increase lean muscle tissue and overall weight for the hard gainer.
Sample Weight Gain Diet - Male