Weight Lifting, Weight Training, Bench Press & Bodybuilding
February 15, 2025

Interview With Powerlifter Glenn Baggett of NGBB
As told to CriticalBench.com by Curt Dennis Jr. "The Brute" of Planetrage.com - November 2008

Powerlifter Glenn Baggett

GLENN BAGGETT....when I was at NGBB, Glenn was that guy that was always willing to help out everybody and at the same time not afraid to show his intensity in his training sessions and on the platform. He definitely lives and breathes the sport of powerlifting and his family follows suit. I had the pleasure of training with him a few times when i was at NGBB and he is becoming a mentor to some of the lifters there now. Read on and find out who GLENN B is...

Critical Bench: Hey, thanks for doing this interview, Glenn, Please introduce yourself.

My name is Glenn Baggett of Woodstock Ga. I am 5'7" and 250lbs and compete in the 242 and 275lbs class. I train at North Georgia Barbell and have the honor of having Jon Grove as a friend, mentor and training partner. I am married and have 2 kids and work in medical device sales.

Critical Bench: How long have you been into powerlifting?

2 ½ years but I have lifted since I was 15y.o.

Critical Bench: What are your best lifts to date?

Squat 930lbs, bp 590lbs and DL 630lbs equipped
Aquat 700lbs , bp 420lbs and DL 585lbs raw (gym lifts)

Powerlifter Glenn Baggett of NGBB Critical Bench: Tell us about your childhood and how you got into powerlifting?

I grew up in western Ky then moved to Lakeland, Florida when I was 14y.o. When I moved to FL I found out I was too small for football and started lifting to play, I was 145lbs in 9th grade but needed to be 185lbs so I started to train between 9th and 10th grade. I started training at the school gym but soon went to a commercial gym in where a lot of bodybuilders and Pl'ers trained called Deb's Gym. I trained like a powerlifter but never competed until I turned 32. I was approached by Scott Weech jr. and he asked if I would train with him to do a PL'ing meet called the APF Southern States, I had no clue what to expect or who this kid was. After that I was hooked, and I have never looked back.

Critical Bench: Who did you look up to when you were coming up as a powerlifter?

Scott Weech jr., Brent Mikesell, Steve Goggins and Chuck V.(not sure how to spell it)

Critical Bench: What would you say to a novice lifter or to a lifter who's just starting out in powerlifting?

Find someone who you can train with and teach you, seek out stronger people. Never be satisfied with your lifts, enjoy them and then keep pushing.

Critical Bench: Do you have a favorite out of the three or is it all 3 lifts?

The squat is my favorite, it always has been but I have really come to appreciate the DL since coming to NGBB.

Critical Bench: What are the challenges of coming up as a powerlifter?

Getting the right training partners that want to push you, I have been fortunate enough to have that from my first gym in Florida to now at NGBB

Critical Bench: Tell everyone here the difference between someone who wants to look "pretty" and someone who does what we do? The difference between a workout and a training session.

I have never been pretty so I don't know about that but to be strong you have to be willing to train the exercises you hate and the muscle groups you can't see. Doing what you have to do not what you want to do. As for workouts, anyone can do a workout, training is doing what you have to do to improve your weakness no matter how much it sucks.

Glenn Baggett - 589 Pound Bench Press

Critical Bench: What would you tell a powerlifter if they are trying to get to the next level in the sport? Do you believe that powerlifters' have a lifestyle of their own?

Learn everything you can from those that are there, don't get caught up in the negativity that a lot of people spew out of jealousy. Be willing to go one more rep or add another 5lbs on the bar, never be closed minded to trying something new. PL'ers do have a somewhat lifestyle of their own, we live in a small world of crazy people who do things that most people would never understand, like my mother thinks I'm nuts for trying to reach the 1000lbs squat.

Critical Bench: How driven would people say you are about being a powerlifter? How does it effect you outside of the gym?

Unfortunately I have sometimes been driven to the point of stupidity, but have been lucky enough to have a wife who brings me back to Earth. She competes also so she understands me and all my issues. Outside the gym I look forward to being in the gym, but the sheer size difference of me to the normal people makes for some interesting conversations.

Critical Bench: How did you hookup with NORTH GEORGIA BARBELL? How has training there helped?

At the 2006 APF Southern States I was competing but was contemplating moving to Atlanta Georgia for my company, I was introduced to Jon Grove and asked if I could train there if I moved. He invited me to come and train and when I bought my house, I just happened to be only 15 minutes away. As for the help, Jon has showed me new ways to train my mind as well as body and CNS. I have increased my total more than 200lbs in 1 year and look to break the 2200lbs barrier by years end.

Critical Bench: What are your workouts like? How are they setup? What training methodology does NGBB follow?

My training is based on Jon's theories, I have brought my squat up around 1000lbs in the gym( I just need to put it up in a meet). My bench jumped 70lbs and my horrible DL has gone up 60lbs (this is my worst lift). NGBB is set up with two monolifts, two Forza benches, a power-rack and a plat form with more plates, bands, chains and weights than anyone could ask for.

Critical Bench: What would you suggest to someone on how to get stronger on all 3 lifts?

Prioritize you training to training the weakest lift earlier in the weak, or if you can't, add extra exercises (accessory). Surround yourself with people who will tell you the truth about your lifts and to always set goals.

Glenn Baggett - 930 Pound Squat

Critical Bench: How does having that family support help your lifting?

My wife competes so this makes it better. She understands the work ethic and dedication it takes to get better. She started competing this year and found out why I put my body through the things I do. My oldest son competes during the off-season for football, so I get to train him and this can also be fun. My family is very competitive and do not understand the word impossible!

Critical Bench: What drives you as a lifter?

Doing better every meet, setting PR's and working to get my name on the wall at NGBB. I do like to win also, this is just icing on the cake, but I have been competing in meets that require me to be better, like the APF Intramurals this summer, I won't win but I also have to push myself harder.

Critical Bench: Was your training any different prior to your last meet?

After the last contest I decided to change up my bench training as I needed something to push me past the 600lbs mark. I also decided to go back to a program Jon had me on for my DL last year that yielded such good results. My squat will have some slight modifications but will stay pretty much the same.

Critical Bench: Do you think using bench shirts/gear are cheating?

No, just another way to compete!

Critical Bench: What is your view on training in equipment and learning them?

It's a hard thing to do because you have to balance your training and your technique, most people give up and find another way to compete. Learning takes patience and a willingness to do what ever it takes to get it right.

Glenn Baggett of North GA Barbell

Critical Bench: What do you think is the reason for all the big numbers as of late like Kennelly's 1070 and Frankl's freakish total or Hoornstra's raw strength? Has strength training evolved?

The training that is done today works around the gear, in the old days you would get as strong as you could and then put it on and hope to get carryover.

Hoornstra's strength is just freaky, he is one in a million who found what he is good at. You can see the evolution of strength training and if applied correctly, can get great results in a short period of time. My wife has worked out for years but started training in Jan for Jon's APF Classic Meet (belt and wraps only, no gear). Her best previous squat was 220lbs, in 2 ½ moths of training she did 265lbs, five weeks later she did 315lbs at the SPF Nationals, and has now hit 375lbs in the gym and looking for 400 at SPF Worlds. I think it has evolved.

Critical Bench: Do you think the standards went up in the sport?

Not really, only the numbers. I think this years (August) IPA Pro-Am was a step in the right direction. The judging was solid and everyone had to get it right to get a lift in. This is what we need in the multi-ply's to move in a positive direction.

Critical Bench: What is your nutrition like now?

I eat what I want mostly but try to tighten it up if I have to go into the lighter class. I don't currently use supplements because I haven't found one that works.

Critical Bench: What changes are you going to have to make to go to the next level?

Improve my DL and keep finding weakness' in my bench and squat. I am hindered by my DL, I have horrible leverage but I continue to work it hard, it will pay off soon.

Critical Bench: Is there anyone you would like to thank right now?

All my training partners at NGBB, Jon Grove, Mike Woods, Drew "Best Lifter" Sheffield, Zack, Sam Byrd, Paul Key and Ron Baker. I also have to say thanks to the guys from Deb's gym for their help, John, Scott Weech Jr., Scott Lamm and John Manly. And a special thanks goes out to my wife putting up with me!

Glenn Baggett 720 Raw Squat



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