Mike Schwanke Of Tampa Barbell Finishes Strong On His Final Lift Of The Day!
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In The Pro Division
1. Brian Carroll (242) 1,000/725/750 - 2,450
2. Mike Schwanke (220) 930/640/785 - 2,355
3. Clint Smith (220) 850/765/730 - 2,345
4. John Manly (308) 1,020/730/770 - 2,520
5. Adam Driggers (220) 875/610/675 - 2,160

Other Meet Highlights
Charley Fay of Southside Barbell winning best male lifter in the open division going 1,000-660-700 for 2360 at 308.
Margaret Kirkland went 480-255-465 for a 10xs bodyweight total of 1185 to win best female lifter at 123, weighing only 118.5.
Joey DeGiovine lifter benching 585 and deadlifting 705 raw at 308 to win best Ironman lifter.
Ed Rectenwald benching 630 at 242 to win best lifter in the bench only.
Grant Austin won best lifter in the deadlift only with a 605 pull at 275 and unfortunately had a hamstring injury with an attempt at 650.
2008 Orlando Barbell APF Classic Hightlight Video
All photographs from the 2008 Orlando Barbell APF Classic are copyright protected and used with permission from SAS Digital Memories - 863-559-3917
OBB Photo Gallery from Critical Bench.com
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