Interview with Full Contact Fighter Justin Steave Interviewed by Ben Tatar of - May 2008
CRITICAL BENCH: Justin, welcome to Critical Bench. Give us a brief introduction about yourself!
Justin: I'm a wild energetic 5'9 physical specimen from WV... Who had a rough life growing up
CRITICAL BENCH: Sounds like the beginning of a fighting monster! What fighters got you involved with the sport and were you always athletic?
Justin: I got into MMA ail over an yrand half ago. My best friend Brandon Hinkle got me into it. Throughout the years I had help from Mark Coleman and Kevin Randleman. I'm an athlete by birth. Give me a sport and ill take it and run with it.
CRITICAL BENCH: You said your life was tough for you growing up. In what ways was life hard for you?
Justin: When I was growing up my dad was diagnosed with MS. So I was never the kid u see in the backyard throwing baseball or football. It was hard for me hearing that my father die. I wish I could have done things that other kids could have done with their dad, but in the end it made me a stronger person and made me a man at a early age. It taught me to help my mother out and I am happy I had the friends that I did. Especially, my best friend and trainer UFC Vet Branden Hinkle
CRITICAL BENCH: What has your adversities taught you about life?
Justin: It taught me you can't take things for granted because once you think that you're on top, something can always bring u down! It depends if you let it!
CRITICAL BENCH: Well, your adversities have shaped you into who you are today, a good man, and a monster! Before, you're in a huge fight, what is going through your mind?
Justin: I'm usual a head case before my fight but always calm when I hear my song... Like the song goes by Rocco Ima do me... I'm not worried about what my opponent and what he knows... He's just another face in my way to something I'm trying to accomplish...
CRITICAL BENCH: Do you have any sick stories about destroying someone in a fight?
Justin: My first MMA fight was pretty sick...
I showed sum pretty good G in that fight by Knocking the guy out and waking him back up while shattering a bone in his face
CRITICAL BENCH: WHOA! So far in a fight, what has been your most powerful and funniest moment?
Justin: Probably me and my teammate Josh Stansbury rapping before our fights and Eric Noel just clowning us
CRITICAL BENCH: Have there been any moments in your fight career that have really changed you?
Justin: I don't think I changed I just get sexier every time I get in the cage haha.. No but I'm the same ole me...
CRITICAL BENCH: You're creative! how would you describe your essence as a fighter?
Justin: My essence is awesome... I bring the crowd to life where ever I go
Justin Steave vs. Bo Hill
CRITICAL BENCH: Heck yeah!! A lot of people would like to be more hardcore and gutsy like you. What is your advice for the sissies of the world and how to make fearful people brave?
Justin: They get up everyday and crap and sleep like you... U just have to find your side in you that makes you a monster
CRITICAL BENCH: Right on! Tell us about some of the things you have done in fighting that you are proud of?
Justin: Just getting to meet other fighters and see their perspective of life... U meet a lot of interesting people..
CRITICAL BENCH: You have a great attitude! Fighters are some of the most interesting people on the planet! They are a breed of their own. Tell us about your workout routine, diet, and supplements? How do you train to be a fighter?
Justin: I lift about 3 or 4 days a week, I'm a gym rat when it comes to training in boxing, wrestling, jiu jitsu, or whatever can help me out for a fight... I just use protein, fish oils, and vitamin C don't believe in creatine to much so I stay away... But you have to have cardio without that you aint shit
CRITICAL BENCH: What are the best and worst things about being a fighter?
Justin: U get away with a lot of stuff because of who u are but the worst is having a lot of fake people around u who wish u luck but when it comes down to it there betting against you..
CRITICAL BENCH: That is true about people in both parts of your answer! What injuries have you experienced before?
Justin: Hyper extended my elbow, threw my shoulder out broke my hand and bruised ribs... My advice is you just have to listen to your body... And don't let anyone tell u what your body can or can't do unless it's a Doc
CRITICAL BENCH: What are your future goals?
Justin: Become very successful in life... And give back to those who helped me
CRITICAL BENCH: Good job, being true to yourself and those you care about, nice combo! What are your five favorite weapons when it comes to fighting?
Justin: My five favorite weapons in a fight... Let me see... I'd have to say...Kicks, flying arm bard, knees, G and triangle.
CRITICAL BENCH: How do you see the future of MMA?
Justin: I see it as a way to express yourself and a sport that everyone can learn something from
CRITICAL BENCH: If you could fight at Wrestle Mania and challenge 3 people, in a full contact fight who would you choose and why?
Justin: Well the only wrestlers I know of are John Cena, Batista, and bring back Steve Austin because I'd love to see him in a cage... ha-ha
CRITICAL BENCH: Man, you would be such a stud if the world saw you kick the crap against all of them and everyone who knows fighting would definitely bet for you there, no doubt about that! What do you like doing away from fighting?
Justin: I like to watch movies, go out to clubs and ride quads
CRITICAL BENCH: Do you have any sponsors? Tell us about them!
Justin: Bloody Buddy fight gear they been with me since I first started, MMA Authentic Cage Fighter my boy Disabato line... and Mountaineer track and resort which the let me train for free there
CRITICAL BENCH: What does your family think about you fighting?
Justin: Supporting me with it. My family loves it! At first my mom didn't like it but she's my number fan... And when it's all done I pray I was successful enough to give back to her
CRITICAL BENCH: That's inspiring, at first people are clueless to things, then when they "get it," they get into it! What is your advice for someone who would like to be a fighter?
Justin: Take it and run with it... U don't have to be the one who was always in the streets fighting... Because I wasn't! If you have a desire for something, don't let anyone tell you what you can't do!!! JUST DO IT!