Weight Lifting, Weight Training, Bench Press & Bodybuilding
March 29, 2025
Interview With Joel Paredes
Interviewed by Ben Tatar of CriticalBench.com - Jan 2007

Joel Paredes is a 17 year old powerlifter from Woodland , CA. At the young age of 17 Joel has already bench pressed 420lbs and deadlifted 605lbs! A 605lbs deadlift is amazing for a superheavy weight in high school, and here Joel is deadlifting 605 at 17 and weighing less than 242lbs! With no further ado Critical Bench brings to you, Joel Paredes!

1) CRITICAL BENCH: Joel, it's great to have you with us. Introduce yourself to us!

Well my name is Joel Paredes and I am a 17 year old powerlifter from Woodland, CA. I love my family and I love powerlifting.

2) CRITICAL BENCH: Powerlifting is great! What are your best lifts? Were you always strong?

My best lifts are bench 420, squat 530 and deadlift 605. I now compete in the 242 weight class.

I was always strong. As a freshman I benched raw 230 and growing up I have always been the biggest kid. My dad is strong as hell and use to lift weights when he was younger pressing a raw 505 pounds. I think I have good genetics.

Joel Paredes deadlifting 3) CRITICAL BENCH: Along with genetics you train with some of the best. Joel, where do you train? Who do you train with? What is the atmosphere like at the gym that you train at?

I train at "Super Training" which is a gym in Sacramento , CA. I train with about 7 other older powerlifters who are my guides. These guys are awesome. They have been there for me since day one and have never given up on me. They push me to the limit. The atmosphere is good where I train. It's hardcore and smelly, but I love it.

4) CRITICAL BENCH: Aaaa, a gym where the deadlift is loved! Not one of those "No deadlifting gyms" haha. What lift is your favorite?

My favorite lift is the deadlift because there is nothing to it but ripping it off the floor.

5) CRITICAL BENCH: What got you into powerlifting? Why do you think powerlifting became your purpose in life?

Mark Bell was the person who got me into powerlifting. I never knew what it was until he came into my life back when I was a sophomore. I started training with him November of my Junior Year. I am now a Senior. powerlifting is what I think about every minute of the day. I love it because I'm good at it and there is always more weight to pull and push.

6) CRITICAL BENCH: Tell us what Mark Bell means to you?

Mark Bell is my mentor. He's like a father and friend to me. Always there for me and has never given up on my potential.

7) CRITICAL BENCH: What is it about the sport of powerlifting that you love so much?

I love the iron, I love the feeling and the people. I just love to lift.

8) CRITICAL BENCH: Give us your powerlifting routine?

Well, I train 4 times a week. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Tuesday is lower heavy body day. I might do some squats with bands and max out or I might do some pin pulls or regular pulls off the floor. Thursdays are heavy upper body days. I'll throw my shirt on and max out. After that I will do some lockout with heavyweight then throw in some arms exercises. Saturdays and Sundays are speed days. I train at 9am every weekend. Saturday is speed squat or deadlifts. I'll do some speed with %50 of my max then do some ab work outs. Sundays ill do some bench with chains for reps and speed then after I'll rep out 100+ dumbbell presses for 3 sets. Then some shoulders, triceps or back.

9) CRITICAL BENCH: Tell us about your diet and what supplements do you take? Are you a health nut or do you eat anything that doesn't move?

Well to be honest I'm a pig. I will eat fast foods everyday, but after 6pm or 7pm all fruits and yogurts and a whole lot of water. After every work out Ill take a ISOPURE protein shake.

Joel wants to beat powerlifting records 10) CRITICAL BENCH: What are your future goals?

My future goals are to break national and world records and get strong as hell.

11) CRITICAL BENCH: You're well on your way! Okay, let's go down memory lane. Tell us what comes to mind.


What has been your Craziest powerlifting experience?

When I pulled 675 off pins and started bleeding from my nose.

Most inspiring powerlifting experience?

Everday. I get inspired every training day by my fellow lifters. Sometimes I would think that I was too weak to lift because everyone was stronger than me. I never gave up and pulled my inner strength way out to get to where I am.

Powerlifter from CA Most memorable?

The first time I bench pressed 402 pounds.


When I burned a POWERLIFTING CD to lift to and it had NICK LACHEY IN IT.


When one of my fellow lifters, Scot Cartwright goes up 900 pounds on squats.

12) CRITICAL BENCH: What is your advice for the beginner powerlifter (benches less than 300 and squats and deadlifts less than 400) and intermediate (say benches 300s, deadlifts and squats 400s or 500s)?

Just keep on lifting. No one can get strong over night. Find someone to train with and somewhere. With the right people, the path to success and real strength awaits.

13) CRITICAL BENCH: What does your family think about you powerlifting ?

My family loves the fact that I'm doing something with my young life and succeeding in it.

CRITICAL BENCH: Joel it was great having you here with Critical Bench. In closing is there anything you would like to say?

I would like to thank my family for supporting me with powerlifting, Mark Bell for making everything possible and for being my mentor, friend and coach and showing me everything I know. Last team Super Training for being my helpers in life and the weight room.

CRITICAL BENCH: Critical Bench wishes Joel this super human strength machine all the best in powerlifting and in life. Thanks for giving us your time.


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