Weight Lifting, Weight Training, Bench Press & Bodybuilding
February 9, 2025

Interview With Sensational Bencher Claude Bouyer
Interviewed By Ben Tatar of CriticalBench.com - August 2008

Bench Presser Claude Bouyer at the Raw Unity Meet

Claude Bouyer SPF Nationals Video

Claude Bouyer just bench pressed 405lbs weighing 165lbs at the young age of 23! He is currently ranked #1 in the world in the 165lbs class for RAW benching in 2008.

1) Critical Bench: Claude, welcome to Critical Bench! Tell us about yourself!

Well my name is Claude Bouyer im 23 years old I live in Ozark,Alabama! I have been competing in powerlifting for 3 years now in the SPF! I'm a 3 time National Champion and im currently for 2008 ranked #1 in raw benching in the 165lb class.

2) Critical Bench: What is your height/weight/ and best lifts? What fed do you compete in and why?

I am 5'7 and 165lbs. I only compete in the SPF. That is where I got my start, and that's where i stay cause it's a great fed with many great lifters, and i always feel like family when i compete there! Jesse rodgers is a great president and even better friend and mentor.My best lifts are a 400lb bench at 165 raw,a 380lb raw bench at 160, and a 360lb raw bench at 155.

Claude Bouyer is a powerlifter that looks like a bodybuilder 3) Critical Bench: A 400lbs bench at 165lbs raw with a pause! WOW!! That is sick! Also doing that at 5'7 opposed to 5'3 makes it even more amazing! That is incredible. What are your powerlifting goals for this year and what are your long term goals?

My short term goal is to bench 420 raw before the year is out, and my long term goals is to bench 500 in a shirt and try to break joe mazza's all-time world record! Joe is a insane bencher!

4) Critical Bench: No doubt about that! Do you have any funny bench press stories that you would like to share?

Back in 2006 when Nicky Peppers broke the bench while racking over 500lbs! That was funny!

5) Critical Bench: That is funny!! hahahaha I didn't know anything like that could happen. WOW! Tell us your training routine!

I train 4 days a week with 3 days off and monday is always chest day! I switch all of my other days up!

6) Critical Bench: What are your top 5 tips for a bigger raw bench?

1) eat a lot cause it's going to help you get stronger
2) train heavy everytime
3) use heavy negatives
4) keep a focused and positive mindset.
5) keep God with you all the time.

7) Critical Bench: We got more important advice in those short 5 lines than we do in most magazines! What supplements do you use?

BSN Truemass, Con-Cret Creatine, and Animal Pak vitamins, but I'm about to start taking BMF products.

Claude Bouyer with Jeremy Hoornstra

8) Critical Bench: were you always very strong? What do you know now that you didn't know back when you were a 315lbs bencher?

Kinda when I first started working out I benched 150@145,and one of the things i learned is that after you bench 315 every pound after that feels like 50lbs.

9) Critical Bench: Tell us about how you felt when you achieved the big 405lbs bench press milestone!

I was so excited! Everyone was staring at me and everyone wanted to workout with me.

10) Critical Bench: I bet . What is your advice for the frustrated RAW bencher who has been plateaued at the same weight for a long time or who even got weaker?

Take a week off and re-work your training! Get as much advice as possible.

11) Critical Bench: Your raw bench is insane. What other impressive feats of strength have you done at 165lbs?

In the gym I shrugged 720 for 4 reps and benched 365 for 4 reps and 315 for 10 reps

12) Critical Bench: You are a strength freak period. In your bench press routine do you use boards, bands and chains?

Oh yes I love bands and boards and I also use floor presses they help jack my bench up.

Claude Bouyer wearing his critical bench shirt

13) Critical Bench: How has the bench press changed you as a person?

It taught me a lot about mind over matter and it helped me to motivate others to do better in their lives.

14) Critical Bench: In order between looks, health, toughness, and strength what is the most important to you and why?

Really just my mindset and God cause if I believe I can do it then he will lead me in the right direction and everything else will fall in place.

Bench Presser Claude Bouyer 15) Critical Bench: Right on! Claude, means business people. On competition day, what goes through your mind?

Making my opener look easy cause that gets the crowd pumped and it starts my momentum.

16) Critical Bench: What is it about competing that you love?

Being able to accomplish my goals and compete against the best in the world.

17) Critical Bench: Claude you are a true Iron Warrior. It has been fun talking to you. In closing is there anything else you would like to say?

BMF Sports Logo First I would like to thank Jesse Rodgers and my entire SPF family,and my new sponsor Shawn Bud Lyte from BMF Sports..i wont let you down, and all my great friends who keep me motivatied and always give me great advice: Sam Byrd, Scotty Cox, Gunny Green, Tony Conyers ,my Top Hog teammates, and my other team Brute Force, everyone at NGBB, Curt Dennis, Eddie Patton-Gooche. Thank all of you guys I love and respect you all and if there is anyone I forgot please don't be mad I love you all too.

Critical Bench: Thanks Claude, best wishes to you, God Bless, and keep amazing the bench press world!


Another 400 Pounds @ 165 By Claude Bouyer



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