Weight Lifting, Weight Training, Bench Press & Bodybuilding
February 9, 2025
The World's Strongest Furnace Man - Bryan Beaune
by Ben Tatar of CriticalBench.com

Bryan Beaune 1) CRITICAL BENCH: Bryan , welcome to Critical Bench. Tell us about yourself.

I am a single Father, and a Marine (no longer active duty). I pay the bills by fixing commercial heating and cooling equipment. I am planning to start my own company soon, my slogan is going to be "The worlds strongest furnace guy"(furnace guy is one of my nicknames).

2) CRITICAL BENCH: How did you get interested in strongman? What competitions have you competed in and how did you do?

That's funny actually! My Brother was living up north in 2000, when he called and asked if I could come visit him in 2 weeks. I said of course, and then he informed me that he signed me up for the Great Lakes Challenge. I was fluttered that he thought that highly of my abilities. So, I went and tried my hardest and came in last place in the light weight div. Any competitor knows that last place pisses you off. I had to come back and do better then last.

This is my first year back since 2000, and it started out with a 3rd. place in Chicago, much better then last. I have done 3 other competitions in Michigan, I placed 4th in 2, then in the Motor city Strongest Man I got a 1st. place, this qualified me for Nationals.

3) CRITICAL BENCH: Wow, that's progress from going to last place to becoming a strongman champion! So, what did you do differently from the time you got last place to the time you won the strongman contest? What do you mostly contribute your progress to?

The biggest difference in my training was the addition of heavy deadlifts. Deadlifts have improved every one of my lifts including my bench press.

4) CRITICAL BENCH: Yeah, I can't tell anyone enough how important deadlifts are to get very strong! Well, that is awesome that you have qualified for the National Strongman Competition! How do you feel about competing in the National Strongman Event? And what is it about the National Strongman competition that you are the most excited about?

I am really pumped about making Nats, it is like the superbowl of strongman for me. The weights are heavier than regionals; I will be competing against the strongest in the Nation. It is really exciting to see how strong I am on a National level.

5) CRITICAL BENCH: That's cool, it also must be cool to know that you could beat 95% + of the football players in the NFL in a strongman strength contest! So, what would you say are your favorite strongman events and why?

1) Clean and Press- When I arrive at a contest I want everyone to know who is going to win the press movements.

2) Side Handle Deadlifts- I can deadlift so much more with the side handle.

3) Tire flips- Great bragging when you mention to women that you flip a 900 lbs. tire for fun.

4) Fickle Finger- It is a lot of shoulders, and I love shoulders.

6) CRITICAL BENCH: What strongman event do you find to be the hardest?

I think the Atlas Stones are the hardest, I have a big chest and arms, makes it hard to wrap my arms.

7) CRITICAL BENCH: Give us your strongman routine? Give us your diet?

My routine is pretty basic:

Mon. Chest and Tri's

Tues. Deadlift of some kind, with bi's

Wed. Fenton Powerhouse/Fenton strongman club

Thurs. Legs

Sat. Fenton Powerhouse/fenton strongman club

Fri and Sun. forced rest

My diet is pretty clean, No fried foods, no really fattening dishes.

Bryan Beaune

8) CRITICAL BENCH: You have a very massive and powerful upper body! What exercise movements do you do on chest day? What rep range?

I always hit flat bench first, whether to warm up or go heavy. Typically, I warm up (225 x 20) then hit a set of 315 x 12, I then go up to 405 x 2, 450 x 1. After that I drop down to 315 again and do some working set. Then I will incline bench press for 3-4 sets 225-365lbs. I end with pullovers (150lbs. dumbbell), or flies superset with push-ups

9) CRITICAL BENCH: What is your advice for other lifters who might be interested in strongman training and competing in strongman sports?

Finding a good crew is essential, people that train as hard as you do.

10) CRITICAL BENCH: What are your future goals?

My goal when my Son was born was to be the WSM by the time he turns 5, I have 3 years.

11) CRITICAL BENCH: What would you like to tell the future generation of strongman what to do when they train and what would you like to tell them not to do?

When you are training, you have to put the fear of heavy slamming down weights behind you, and just lift with every thing you have.

If you are young and do not need a weight belt do not start using one.

12) CRITICAL BENCH: Very true, every lifter needs to get their lower back stronger on their own. So, Bryan Tell us about your most hardcore strongman story?

My first Strongman: the Farmers tanks for the Farmers Walk had knurled handles I went about 100' dropped the tanks, and ripped every callus off both of my hands. Then I picked the tanks back up to keep going.

13) CRITICAL BENCH: That's heart! What is the toughest part about strongman training and what is it about strongman training that you love so much?

Recovery and The Pain, I think you have to be crazy to put the body though the pain that a strongman goes through. Tearing flesh is a badge of honor, blood is grit, and pain is weakness leaving the body.

14) CRITICAL BENCH: If you could create your own strongman event what would it be?

I would like to add a bench press/car press

15) CRITICAL BENCH: Hahaha! Maybe that is the direction the bench press should head in! Maybe we could bench press part of a 20,000lbs bus! So, do you have any words of inspiration for all the other strongman out there?

Train hard.

CRITICAL BENCH: BRYAN , it was great interviewing you...... Is there anyone who you would like to thank?

Well, Thank you for the interview and thanks to my friends and family that comes out to every competition I am in.

CRITICAL BENCH: Bryan it was great interviewing you. Remember everyone if you meet Bryan make sure you say hi to the "World's Strongest Furnace Man." Bryan, Critical Bench wishes you all the best in life and in strength sports!

Strongman Bryan Beaune


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