Weight Lifting, Weight Training, Bench Press & Bodybuilding
February 9, 2025
Interview With Bodybuilder Big Al Fortney
by Ben Tatar, Criticalbench.com

Bodybuilder Al Fortney 1) Critical Bench: Al, welcome
to www.criticalbench.com! Tell us about yourself. (Who you are, where you are from, your job, upbringings, and anything you'd like to share about yourself.)

Big Al: Well my name is Allen Fortney; most people call me Big Al. I'm from a small town close to Wilmington, located in the state of Delaware. I train at a older hardcore gym called The Training Center. Its atmosphere makes everybody train hard! Chalk is still allowed. I work full time building houses and do personal training on the side. Helping people get ready for shows is my forte. I like seeing myself and my clients go from a big and full off-season look to being ripped, shredded, muscular and dry on contest day.

2) Critical Bench: Give us a brief history about your bodybuilding and power lifting career. Perhaps a history of the contest that you entered and your experiences and tell us about your road starting from a beginner and training to a fantastic bodybuilder that most decent bodybuilders look up to?

Big Al: I started out as a power lifter, that's my true love. I wanted to look strong and not just be strong. I started power lifting as a teenager; I benched 365lbs at a body weight of 165 pounds in high school. I did my first bodybuilding show in 1993 and I really didn't know much, it was my first diet. But I won my class and looked pretty good with hardly any experience and guidance. I've done several shows since then including many national bodybuilding shows. My best placement was 5th in the super heavy weight class in 2002 I also placed 10th in 2004. I had a few injuries the last few years but I think I'm all healed up. Let's see what 2006 will bring…

Big Al Fortney 3) Critical Bench: Why did you choose to become a bodybuilder and not only that, but decide to be one of the greatest bodybuilders in the world?

Big Al: I'm not sure about one of the greatest but thank you for your kind words. I love working out, I just use the competitions to motivate me to get lean. I like the applied science that goes hand in hand with nutrition, supplementation and weight training. So, for me to obtain that contest day "winner" look is the end of a long and torturous journey. I love the challenge of getting more cut and muscular with each show. Also, we all know how the females love the tight abdominal and glute look!

4) Critical Bench: You have worked at major events every year like the Arnold. Tell us about your experiences?

Big Al: I love it, it's great to meet new people and that's the only time I see some of the my peers. Sometimes you do get tired after standing in a booth for long hours, in one place, and flexing for 3 days. Unfortunately we really don't have a big following in this sport, so we should really appreciate our fans that we do have.

5) Critical Bench: Al, you know a lot about training and you have a lot of experiences. Out of everything what was the best advice that you were ever told and what was the worse advice?

Big Al: Best was never being afraid to attempt a new plateau (a heavier weight), with a spotter. There are some people who get stuck with the same old dull and boring weight lifting exercises, using the same weights, never attempting to increase the poundage. Failure can bring fame if the failure is used properly. I enjoy my off season; enjoy eating my "cheat day" foods.

Worst advice, for me, I don't believe in any bad advice. You can always learn something new from anybody. You don't have to follow their advice word from word, but try some things and make changes to adapt to your individual body and needs.

6) Critical Bench: What are the 5 biggest mistakes that you see beginners make and what should they do to fix them?

Big Al: The biggest mistake is not eating enough. After bad nutrition comes: using cables and machines, trying to look lean and achieve that "pretty boy look" while going to the dance clubs to impress women, trying every new supplement on the market, and that's only four! And I would fix it by saying EAT A LOT OF GOOD FOOD. Do not be afraid of the free weights; find a hobby outside the gym. Remember a bodybuilder is only judged the day and night of the contest, not in the clubs or cruising in your car. And if your diets not right, the supplements aren't going to do much to improve it.

Bodybuilder Powerlifter Al Fortney 7) Critical Bench: Let's say the lifters reading this interview take your advice and they would like to compete in a bodybuilding show. What would your tips be during a bulking cycle?

Big Al: Eat your normal meals to make sure your getting enough protein (5-7 meals daily) But if you want ice creams eat it, or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (PBJ) that's all extra. I always add a few PBJ's during the week when I'm on a bulking cycle. I use natural peanut butter and good multi-grain bread, you need calories to grow.

8) Critical Bench: OK, then a bodybuilder chooses to diet and cut for a contest. What are your tips for choosing a pair of trunks, tanning, supplementation, diet and any other major factor that you would like to elaborate on?

Big Al: I think the cardio in the early morning, soon as you arise, on an empty stomach works great. I like the ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin combination (ECA) stack, but there are some good ephedrine free fat burners also if you don't like ephedrine. I like whey isolate protein pre contest because it has 0 carbs. Glutemine is good, especially during contest time to help boost your immune system and help with muscle recovery. Always make sure you take a multi-vitamin to be sure your getting everything your body needs. I use www.flexyourmuscles.com for suplements. As far as tanning, I still have areas to improve on. I do use a artificial liquid tanner, but the judges inform me that my color is not dark enough; I will experiment with the tanning solutions this year. And get your posing suit custom made if you can. There are some good places online. I know http://www.cryscorner.com/ makes them. I hope these help.

9) Critical Bench: Al, you have done a lot. What are your future goals?

Big Al: I would like to get my pro card in the next few years. I'm not sure what show I want to do yet. And I would like to be able to spend more time training other people. I was a personal trainer for years but went into construction with a friend, but would like to get back into the fitness industry.

10) Critical Bench: In closing, what would you like to tell the thousands of bodybuilders, power lifters and athletes who are reading your interview?

Big Al: Always enjoy lifting, make it fun. I train like I'm going to do a power meet for like 8 weeks. Last year I did a 600lb bench raw. Then some days we take a bar and weights out side and do walking lunges. Keep it fun, that's the best advice I can give.


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