Weight Lifting, Weight Training, Bench Press & Bodybuilding
Autoresponder Sequence: Vince Gironda Legend and Myth

Done For Your eMails: Passive Income Rules!

This is my secret weapon which is exactly why this is the very first promotional tool I'm going to tell you about.

I literally doubled my income when I started emailing my list more often. Previously I used to think that I had to give my list a break. Like a lot of newbies I used to think that if I emailed my list too often or made too many offers that they would unsubscribe or get burnt out.

After listening to a Tellman Knudson course I realized that you have to train your list from the get go what they should expect from you.

Email them often and make constant offers. When you start out this way, they are used to it and don't get upset. On the other hand if you spent month's just giving away free stuff, never asking for a purchase and only email your list once every other week it's not surprise they get upset if you get aggressive with them. They just aren't used to it from you.

Here's a metaphor you might like. When you get in a new relationship you have to set some boundaries at the beginning right? It's hard to change the rules after you get really serious. The relationship has already been established. It's much easier to set the tone right from the start.

2nd Biggest Affiliate Mistake

Below you'll find an email sequence promoting the Critical Bench Program 2.0 that you can mail out to your list. The cash will be great the week you're promoting but what happens the week after that?

I don't know about you but I'm a huge fan of Passive Income. Do the work once and benefit over and over. Set and forget.

Follow Up sequences or autoresponder sequences are the best for this!

Here's how I load up my autoresponder and I suggest you do it the same way because it works big time.

Let us assume you have 5-emails to use. These four emails will be sent 4-days in a row. After the last email take a four day break and then start the next 4-day promo for the next Critical Bench Product you want to promote.

Message Interval Email Subject
1 1 The High Intensity Honest Workout (gratis) 
2 1 Muscle Factory - Vince's Gym
3 1 Top 7 Gironda Exercises Of All Time
4 1 Thrown out of the gym for doing sit ups?
5 1 4 RENEGADE principles for building muscle
6 1 The Mecca of Muscle Building
7 1 About Your Download (time sensitive)
8 1 Goodbye Vince Gironda (tribute)
9 4 Next promo starts here

Cut And Paste eMail Templates

Here's how I load up my autoresponder and I suggest you do it the same way because it works big time.

Day 1 email:

Link to squeeze page directly and get your visitors cookied with this link:

Subject: The High Intensity Honest Workout (gratis)
Subject: Most effective rep and set combination EVER
Subject: The best "old school" workout EVER. Period!
Subject: You have to see this (MUSCLE SHOCKING REPORT)
Subject: You download link (new PDF)
Subject: Get this (FREE)


If you're looking for a new workout idea that is great
for maximizing muscle fiber growth while shedding body
fat at the same time you are going to love this.

The High Intensity "Honest Workout" <<< Get It Free Here

This program utilizes what many consider to be the most
effective set and rep combination ever developed and it
was inspired by someone who has been called the greatest
trainer of all times.

Get your free copy of the workout here.

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[Your Name]


Day 2 email:
Subject: Muscle Factory - Vince's Gym
Link:  https://hop.clickbank.net/?vendor=criticalb&affiliate=yourclickbankid&w=54


Somewhere near Ventura Boulevard (which is the home of Universal
Studios in CA) sat a gym where actors who needed to get in shape
for the movies were sent and bodybuilders flocked.

Some called it the MUSCLE FACTORY.

This gym was owned by Vince Gironda and although extremely popular
with champion bodybuilders and famous movie stars it was a very
modest old-fashioned kind of gym. No music was allowed, non fancy
machines were used and the walls were covered in pictures of people
who trained there. Perhaps you recognize some of them?

Movie Stars & Celebrities That Trained At Vince's Gyms ----<<< Click For Pics

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Day 3 email:

Subject: Top 7 Gironda Exercises Of All Time
Link: https://hop.clickbank.net/?vendor=criticalb&affiliate=yourclickbankid&w=59


The legend Vince Gironda once said, "I have found that man's logic and
nature's logic are totally different. In other words, try breaking the
rules and see what happens."

The following are some unique exercises you don't see in the gym very
often. Vince invented these exercises and used them to get Hollywood
stars and his clients in top shape in record time.

His methods were not understood by many. That's why I'd be willing to
bet if he were alive today he would probably dedicate this article and
these exercises to those people who think they know everything because
are the ones that could use the most help.

Top 7 Unique Gironda Exercises ------ <<<< Click For The Demonstrations

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Day 4 email:

Subject: Thrown out of the gym for doing sit ups?


Yes it's true Vince Gironda actually kicked someone out of
gym for doing sit ups!

You see according to Vince sit-ups and leg raises don't reduce
the size of your stomach and could even shock your nervous system.

Click here to read more outspoken and controversial advice
that Vince shares in this article revealing 4 of his time tested principles

4 Old School Gironda Principles << ------ Do you agree with #3?

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Day 5 email:

Subject: 4 RENEGADE principles for building muscle


Few other trainers were as polarizing and controversial as this man.

He loved to challenge the status quo and he didn’t care whether or
not people liked him. Physique training was his passion and he knew
that his revolutionary training ideas built better bodies.

To see the future sometimes you just have to look at the past!

4 RENEGADE principles for building muscle   <<< Click Here

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Day 6 email:

Subject: The Mecca of Muscle Building


Wow my inbox has been flooded with questions about the
Vince Gironda Legend & Myth book the past 13-hours.

Here's a small sample of what's revealed for those of
you who emailed me asking exactly what's included:

Vince Gironda Legend and Myth by Alan Palmieri is the most
complete and comprehensive writing on Vince Gironda...Ever!

Vince Gironda

This is a must read for anyone interested in Vince Gironda.

The "Iron Guru" was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame in the
"Golden Years" of bodybuilding, the 1960's. During that time,
Vince dominated the scene and Vince's Gym, was known as
the Mecca of bodybuilding.

Not only champion bodybuilders trained at Vince's Gym,
movie stars were also regular visitors to seek Vince's advice
and training. People like Eric Estrada, Clint Eastwood,
Clint Walker and many others. Hollywood studios used
Vince and his gym to shape up their stars.

This Updated eBook contains over 300 pages of text,
drawings, and pictures in PDF format. It contains a wealth
of information on and from Vince Gironda. There never has
been, and presently there is nothing in existence, that can
compare with the Updated Vince Gironda Legend and
Myth for information on and about Vince Gironda, his
methods, and concepts

Vince Gironda Legend and Myth contains interviews
with Larry Scott - Don Howorth - Dick Tyler -
Bill Pearl - comments by Dave Draper.

New Vince Gironda Legend and Myth <<< Get It Cheap Here

Also included are topics such as...

How Much Protein?
Steak and Eggs
Train 21 Rest 7
15 Sets of 4 Reps
3 Day Maximum Routine
A Muscle Has Four Sides
Exercise Style and Performance
Exercise Frequency
Exercise and Exercise Routines
Mental Attitudes
Workout Tempo
Best Exercises
Preacher Stand
Developing Muscle
Common Bodybuilding Errors
Vince's Stone Age Nutrition
Diet and Supplements
Three Day Detoxification Plan
Vince's European Weight-Gaining Trick
Anabolic Steroids
Biological Transmutation of The D.N.A
Failure Versus 60-80.
Joe Weider
Vince Gironda Update Section
Question & Answer Section
Philosophy of Champions
Vince's Pure Gold
Vince Gironda Seminar
All Protein Muscle Building Diet
Gironda Goodies
Biographical Sketch of Vince Gironda
Abs Vince's Way
The Gironda Sissy Squat
Simply Vince
Bob Kennedy
Bodybuilding For Men Over 40
Ron Kosloff Section
Vince's Photo Section
Paul Becker
About The Author
Quick Thoughts and Insights Learned From Vince
Vince Gironda Legend and Myth Update Introduction
The Master & Pro Series of Nutritional Bodybuilding Introduction
The Master Series of Nutritional Bodybuilding
The Pro Series of Nutritional Bodybuilding
This book is absolutely incredible. It cuts right through all the hype
and gets back to the basic old school muscle building information that
has been proven over and over for decades.

You don't need the latest ab gadget or newest secret supplement.

Just follow the advice of someone who will help you work hard
and sweat putting you on the right track to getting the lean healthy
body you deserve.

Let Vince Gironda show you the path to a happier healthier life
in this newly updated master manual.

https://hop.clickbank.net/?vendor=criticalb&affiliate=yourclickbankid&w=45 <<< Wait Until You See The Bonus!

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P.S. If you think the natural way is the only way, you'll love this offer.


Day 7 email:

Sub: about your download (time sensitive)


Notice About Your Vince Gironda - Legend and Myth Download

You Can Still Get Your Copy For $13 OFF <<< Plus Cool Bonuses

This New, Updated Version Contains over 300 Pages!

Vince Gironda Legend and Myth by Alan Palmieri is the most complete and
comprehensive writing on Vince Gironda...Ever! This is a must read for anyone
interested in Vince Gironda. The "Iron Guru" was perhaps at his pinnacle of fame
in the "Golden Years" of bodybuilding, the 1960's. During that time, Vince
dominated the scene and Vince's Gym, was known as the Mecca of bodybuilding.


Not only champion bodybuilders trained at Vince's Gym, movie stars were also
regular visitors to seek Vince's advice and training. People like Eric Estrada,
Clint Eastwood, Clint Walker and many others. Hollywood studios used
Vince and his gym to shape up their stars.

This Updated eBook contains over 300 pages of text, drawings, and pictures in
PDF format. It contains a wealth of information on and from Vince Gironda.
There never has been, and presently there is nothing in existence, that can
compare with the Updated Vince Gironda Legend and Myth for information
on and about Vince Gironda, his methods, and concepts.

Vince Gironda Legend and Myth contains interviews with Larry Scott -
Don Howorth - Dick Tyler - Bill Pearl - comments by Dave Draper.

New Vince Gironda Legend and Myth <<---- Final Reminder

When you get a copy, you're going to love it. I refer to mine all the time.

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P.S. Over the years thousands of people have come to me for muscle building and
strength training advice.

I'm not saying this to brag but to thank the "Iron Guru" for how he helped shape
my views on natural training and nutrition. I may not agree with everything Vince
Gironda preached, but I do consider him one of my mentors and I highly suggest
you get this ebook while you still can.

https://hop.clickbank.net/?vendor=criticalb&affiliate=yourclickbankid&w=45 ----- << Last Chance To Save


Day 8 email:

Subject: Good Bye Vince Gironda (tribute)
Link: https://hop.clickbank.net/?vendor=criticalb&affiliate=yourclickbankid&w=60

Vince Gironda is a legend in the bodybuilding community
as I've enjoyed sharing with you this week.

Check out this tribute video to see why he is known as
the father of bodybuilding and conclude our Gironda

Vince Gironda Tribute Video ---- <<< Click to watch

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