Weight Loss Is A Lifestyle...Not A Miracle By Karen Sessions
There is a lot of deception in the weight-loss industry. It�s really hard to know who and what to trust. As a consumer, you really have to do your homework, and research people and products to ensure you are not getting ripped off.
With this in mind, I want to share a story with you about how the media can easily deceive you, just to earn a buck. What�s worse is that even medical personnel will do what it takes to make a quick buck.
They are luring. They are seductive. They are enticing. They are tempting. They are infomercials and 90% of them are blatant lies and outright fraudulent.
Come on, you�ve seen them late at night, amazing one-of-a-kind miracles in a bottles. Such grabbers as:
-Slimmer thighs in minutes
-Acne-free skin in 3 days
-Flatter tummy in days
-Get rich in 28 days
-6-pack abs in just 3 minutes a day
What better time to fill your head with false promises than in the wee hours of the early morning when your brain is foggy? Infomercials making such lavish claims are lies and prey upon individuals who are desperate or simply don�t know better.
But wait, if it�s on television it�s approved and that mean it is safe and effective. Right? No. This is not the case.
Don�t get me wrong, some infomercials promote wonderful products that are effective, but those too-good-to-be true infomercials are just that!
Sure, but the amazing fat-melting product you saw on last nights infomercial was complete with testimonies and endorsements! But are you being fed deceptive claims or pills filled with empty promises?
You may be somewhat surprised to see what Dateline NBC discovered when they did their infomercial project and investigation. It reveals how some infomercials are straight out lying about their product with fabricated tales.
Dateline NBC Goes Undercover
Have you ever wondered who the people in the infomercials are? Dateline NBC went undercover, inside the illuminating world of infomercials to find out the truth.
Dateline�s Plot
Dateline invented a new and innovated pill that would moisten the skin and smooth out wrinkles. The secret ingredient Dateline used in the pill was Nestle Quik�. Their objective was to see if they could promote and sell the product in an infomercial.
Course of Action
-Dateline invented a swanky company name, Johnson Products
-Dateline invented a �miracle� skin pill (filled with Nestle Quik�) and called it Moisturol.
-Dateline set up hidden cameras and met with a producer to market the new miracle skin pill
-When questions arose about if a medical doctors is needed, the producer suggested to get someone to wear a white coat and to say it works. It all boils down to how good they can act and how much money they want to promote it.
-The producer found a dermatologist to endorse it, without seeing any studies or testing it, for $5,000. She even admits that she never even seen or tried the product.
-The producer found live testimonials that claimed they have tried the product. Yet, when asked off camera, they admitted to never trying it. It was discovered that these �testimonials� were paid actresses who exaggerated their claims or were fed lines by the producers.
Read Between the Lines
If you really want to get the dirt on infomercials, just read the disclaimer. Often times it�s so small it can't even be seen by the human eye. But this is one of their deceptive tactics. You may see the obvious disclaimer, �results not typical� or �results may vary.� It doesn�t take a rocket scientist to know that.
Fancy terms are often used to make that product appear �creditable� such as:
-Clinical research
-Clinical research has proven
-Based on scientific research
-Independent studies by doctors
These are just lavish words to pull you in. If it�s not stated where the particular �study� can be found, it�s usually not true.
The next time you reach for the phone to order a miracle weight-loss or anti-aging pill, think about Dateline�s undercover investigation. You just may be getting capsules of coco.
About The Author
Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988 and is a certified personal fitness instructor and specialist in performance nutrition. She is a nationally qualified natural female bodybuilder, holding numerous titles in the southern states including two overalls.
Karen has written six e-books on fitness. She also writes articles for several fitness websites, and distributes two monthly newsletters regarding weight loss and female bodybuilding.
"I Can Teach You How To Lose Weight Forever And Never Gain It Back..."
You Have Been Lied To In The Past About Weight Loss. I'm Blowing The Whistle And Exposing All The Weight-Loss Secrets!
I will EXPOSE all the myths being sold on the late night infomercial's, media, magazine ads, etc. From here on out you get the raw truth about weight loss, and how to conquer it!