Why You Need To Train Your Employees On A Monthly Basis by Brian Cannone of Fitness Atlantic
Do you know what one of the main causes of business failure is?
It's changing the way your business is run and making ever so slight decreases in the way you perform your daily activities. Doing this will slowly erode trust and eventually cause you to close your doors for good.
Fortunately, there's a very easy way to make sure this never happens.
Simply have a monthly training with your employees!
Although your employees might not enjoy this (you might consider having a monthly review with each individual employee for 5-10 minutes before their shift starts so they don't have to come in on their day off) - it's going to help you business stay consistent and always improving.
Training your employees on a monthly basis will do 2 main things:
First, it's going to help them remember exactly what they need to be doing, exactly what attitude they need to have, and it's also going to help hone their skills and make them the best trainer they could possibly be.
The second thing it's going to do is, as I already mentioned, help keep the consistency the same within the company. Having a lack of consistency is one of the biggest business killers out there, so you need to make sure you're doing everything in your power to make sure your business is run the same day in and day out - whether or not you're actually there.
Another great aspect of training your employees monthly is that if there are any conflicts between employees, which you're usually not aware of if you're not there every day, you can get the 2 parties involved and figure out a way to solve the problem. Some of the biggest conflicts are often the result of something small and insignificant that built up over time.
By talking with them and seeing how the group dynamics are going every month, you'll be able to smother any conflicts that may have been created in the past month and make sure that conflict isn't going out into the workplace where it's affecting your customers.
Because remember, although you might have a seemingly perfect health club, your staff are directly involved with your clients so if you have a staff member not on top of his or her game everyday - the client is going to get frustrated and probably leave!
You need to be sure that within these trainings, your employees are allowed to be 100% open and honest about everything they're bothered by. You need to make it known before they even get hired that you'll be having these meetings and if they can't take constructive criticism, this job is probably not for them.
Between your employees being open, smothering any conflicts between employees, being more consistent, and making sure everybody is always on the top of their game so your members are always happy - having monthly trainings can do wonders for your business so I suggest starting them right away!
The "No Discount" Guide To Fitness Marketing by Brian Cannone
Behind the scenes fitness expert finally reveals his secrets�
Discover How To Instantly Create A Stampede Of New Members Into Your Health Club, Fitness Studio, Or Gym�With These �No Discount Street Tactics� Invented By A Connecticut Man Who Created $59,845 in New Billings Out Of Thin Air�And How He Did It Again 4 Years Later...
The Best Part: He�s put these tactics into a complete step-by-step system anyone can follow to launch a new health club, re-launch an old one, or get a bunch of new members on the cheap. Read this special fitness sales online report to discover more�