Are you asking for too much just to give a simple tour of your health club? Listen, you don't need to get the persons license, blood sample, urine sample, lock of hair and their fingerprints just to become part of your health club!
This is a mistake I see way too many people making. Sure, getting information on your prospects is great, but if you ask for too much information you're going to turn them away because it's not worth the effort for them!
You need to understand 2 things in order to be successful in this business:
Not every person who comes into your health club and wants a tour is a qualified guest. They might be overextending themselves with money and kind of just "dreaming" they could belong to a place like this, they might be a person who did a New Years resolution who'll be in and out of your club within 2 weeks, or maybe they were just bored and needed something to do (you'd be surprised at what people do when they're bored).
Most people are NOT criminals! Trust me, most people are good, honest people and aren't coming in to simply take advantage of you. Sure, some people try to work the system but these are few and far between, so don't even worry about them. You'll most likely be able to tell who they are anyway. Ease up and be friendly to your prospects and treat them as welcomed guests instead of criminals and your closing rates will skyrocket instantly.
When a person comes in looking for a tour, just give it to them. You should always ask if you'd be allowed to follow up with them and if they say yes, just get their name and address. Then ask if you might be able to have their phone number but if you're going to call people, explain to them that you're not going to call them like telemarketers do and bother them everyday of their life. Trust me, this is a GREAT way to both lower their defenses and establish rapport with them at the same time!
The point is guests should be taken care of very gently. Don't harass them and make them sign up right then and there if they aren't comfortable with it. One of the best things you can do is, one that initial visit, be as friendly and establish as much rapport as you possibly can. Don't even worry about the sale. Then, have a follow-up system in place and make sure it's as solid as a concrete wall. Let the person decide to come back through the information you give them after they leave, don't force them!
Now obviously when I say that I'm not saying to not even ask them to join I'm simply saying, don't be TOO pushy. Know your limits and learn to read their body language. When you've gone too far, ease it up and rely on your follow-up system to do the work for you.
Always remember, people want to make friends and don't like to be sold to. Keep that in mind and your closing rate is going to jump through the roof immediately.
The "No Discount" Guide To Fitness Marketing by Brian Cannone
Behind the scenes fitness expert finally reveals his secrets�
Discover How To Instantly Create A Stampede Of New Members Into Your Health Club, Fitness Studio, Or Gym�With These �No Discount Street Tactics� Invented By A Connecticut Man Who Created $59,845 in New Billings Out Of Thin Air�And How He Did It Again 4 Years Later...
The Best Part: He�s put these tactics into a complete step-by-step system anyone can follow to launch a new health club, re-launch an old one, or get a bunch of new members on the cheap. Read this special fitness sales online report to discover more�