Question: I read the guy's question about his and your bench being stuck. I'm not sure about his, but in your case, have you ever considered trying another training style for the bench? Any consideration for a program like Jim's 5/3/1, using floor presses, board presses for lockout work, etc?
I'm sure you've searched far and wide for an answer, but I know my own bench sucks when my volume is high (pretty much regardless of intensity) and I wondered if the same might be true of yours.
I was just curious what avenues you've explored.
Floor presses, etc. never built my bench strength. I spent 2+ years on trying those exercises out and it took Sheiko programming to bust me out of that rut.
Most recently, I think even Jim expressed that floor presses, etc. are not building his strength either.
If you look at my log, you will see that I have used board presses and lockout work for several years now.
I have used very low volume for the bench, low volume, low-medium volume, medium volume, medium-high volume, and high volume all with intensities from 68%-75%.
I have been powerlifting since 1996 and I do 4-5 meets a year. We have used the Tendo unit extensively, I have done biomechanical studies of my bench set up and stroke and we have even done complete cycles with just about every grip position possible.
What are you suggesting that I try, specifically?
Are you saying to lower the volume? We have done that. Are you saying to incorporate different supplemental SPP exercises? We have and still are doing that. Are you suggesting that I try Jim's 5/3/1 template?
I am completely open to specific suggestions, and I want you to support your argument. I want to know the exact reasons why you suggest what you suggest, as it pertains to how I have trained the bench press these past several years. I will be the first to admit that I do not have all the answers, so if you have something that you think will work then resubmit and my coach and I will read it and comment on it.
About Eric Talmant
Eric Talmant is a top lightweight powerlifter and has a "passion for all things nutrition." A 1996 graduate of the University of Evansville, Eric is a certified Metabolic Typing� advisor and Functional Diagnostic nutritionist.
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