Previously Unknown Thumb Trick Provides Potent Power For Pumping Up Your Pecs! By Jeff Anderson "The Muscle Nerd"
In This Chest Training Article...
One of the BEST EXERCISES that absolutely MUST be in your chest training arsenal if you ever want to see more muscle mass!
How a tiny little change in what you do with your THUMB can increase total fiber stimulation...and get you BETTER RESULTS!
(Surprise! This "trick" ALSO allows you to lift MORE weight...SAFELY!)
Any bodybuilder worth his salt knows that to REALLY add some flare to his pecs, he MUST add Incline Dumbbell Flyes to his chest routine.
But now there�s a way to make this powerful exercise even MORE effective using a breakthrough THUMB maneuver for more FORCEFUL CONTRACTIONS.
Can�t finger it out�I mean FIGURE it out? Here�s how YOU can take advantage of this awesome new tactic�
1. On an incline bench (set to no MORE than 30 degrees incline), hold a dumbbell in each hand at the starting position (arms extended above you, palms facing each other).
2. With your arms slightly bent, perform a standard flye by slowly lowering your arms to the side.
3. As you lower them, instead of keeping your hands and wrists LOCKED, ROTATE your hands so that your THUMBS point TOWARD THE CEILING at the bottom of the movement.
(Make sure you feel a good stretch in your chest at the bottom.)
4. While focusing on contracting your chest muscles (rather than your arms), quickly raise both arms to the starting position while ROTATING your hands so that your palms face each other again.
This maneuver actually creates an isolated range of motion movement within your pecs resulting in increased muscle contraction and fiber stimulation.
To prove it, try this�
Hold one arm in the flye position while placing your other hand on the chest muscle of the �working arm�.
Now go through the motion of a �regular� flye with your wrists locked, while feeling the muscle movement with your other hand.
Once you�ve reached the bottom of the movement, hold your arm position and rotate your hand back and forth between the thumb �up� and the �normal� position.
Feel that movement in your upper pec?
Now stick a dumbbell in your hand and get ready to GROW!