Autoresponder Sequence: The Savage Strength Training System

Done For Your eMails: Passive Income Rules!

This is my secret weapon which is exactly why this is the very first promotional tool I'm going to tell you about.

I literally doubled my income when I started emailing my list more often. Previously I used to think that I had to give my list a break. Like a lot of newbies I used to think that if I emailed my list too often or made too many offers that they would unsubscribe or get burnt out.

After listening to a Tellman Knudson course I realized that you have to train your list from the get go what they should expect from you.

Email them often and make constant offers. When you start out this way, they are used to it and don't get upset. On the other hand if you spent month's just giving away free stuff, never asking for a purchase and only email your list once every other week it's not surprise they get upset if you get aggressive with them. They just aren't used to it from you.

Here's a metaphor you might like. When you get in a new relationship you have to set some boundaries at the beginning right? It's hard to change the rules after you get really serious. The relationship has already been established. It's much easier to set the tone right from the start.

2nd Biggest Affiliate Mistake

Below you'll find an email sequence promoting the The Savage Strength Training System that you can mail out to your list. The cash will be great the week you're promoting but what happens the week after that?

I don't know about you but I'm a huge fan of Passive Income. Do the work once and benefit over and over. Set and forget.

Follow Up sequences or autoresponder sequences are the best for this!

Here's how I load up my autoresponder and I suggest you do it the same way because it works big time.

Let us assume you have 7-emails to use. These seven emails will be sent 7-days in a row. After the last email take a four day break and then start the next promo sequence for the next Critical Bench Product you want to promote.

Message Interval Email Subject
1 1 Century Set Density Program - FREE 
2 1 Show of Strength (cool video)
3 1 Don't pump iron – become iron! (article)
4 1 4 Keys To Savage Strength
5 1 FW:  Four Keys To Unlocking Near Super Human Strength
6 1 Are you mentally tough? (free chapter)
7 1 2 Surprise Bonuses (ends tonight)
8 4 Next promo starts here

Cut And Paste eMail Templates

Here's how I load up my autoresponder and I suggest you do it the same way because it works big time.


Day 1 email:

Link to squeeze page directly and get your visitors cookied with this link:

Or go the brandable reports page and put the pdf on your own server.
Subject: Century Set Density Program - FREE


I've got a cool Density Program to share with you today from
my friends over at

It's free of charge. Just my way of saying thanks for listening
to my sales pitches from time to time. 

Century Sets Density Program - FREE download  << click here

Where Century Sets really come into their own is when you
incorporate the variable of time. This is when Century Sets become
enhanced through the concept of density training.

Density training refers to the amount of muscular work performed
in a specified period of time.

Page 2 contains a two-phase program that is brutally challenging........

Download it now while it's free  <<< Century Sets Program PDF

Sign off,

Your Name

Day 2 email:

Sub: don't pump iron – become iron! (article)

What does being in shape mean to you?   <<< Let me know here

In today's update I share the introduction from the upcoming
Savage Strength program and ask you to answer the question, 
"What is that you want to accomplish with your training?"
Before we start talking about reps, sets and exercises we have
to make sure we are on the same page about what it means
to possess REAL strength.

Don't Pump Iron - Become Iron <<<Find Out What It Means Here

Sign Off,

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Day 3 email:

Sub: show of strength (cool video)


Did you try the workout yet from the Century Sets PDF
I sent you yesterday?

It was written by former SWAT Commander and Executive
Bodyguard Mike Gillette who is featured in the YouTube video
I just uploaded for you.

Show of Strength  <<< Really Cool YouTube Video 

You'll see Mike performing some insane feats of strength such as:

  • Rolling up a frying pan..
  • Doing 4269 lb Jeep curls!
  • Bending 2inch steel bars in half..
  • and other really crazy cool feats

Go check out this Real Strength Video  <<< Click here
Sign Off,

Your Name 

P.S. Be sure to share or like the video if you you'd like to see more. Thnx.

Day 4 email:

Sub: 4 Keys To Savage Strength


subject:  4 Keys To Savage Strength

4 Keys To Savage Strength

Former SWAT Commander and Bodyguard Mike Gillette
shares four of his best tips for unlocking your body's 
hidden strength potential. 

Everyone and that means even you, posses the ability to
get stronger than you are now. It's a universal trait.  In fact
you probably don't realize just how strong you can be.

Inside you right now, laying dormant is the potential for bone
crushing strength just waiting for the right opportunity to be unleashed.

Click here to get Mike's 4 Hidden Strength Keys

Sign Off,

Your Name

Day 5 email:

Sub: FW: Four Keys To Unlocking Near Super Human Strength


4 Keys To Unlocking Near Super Human Strength

Have you ever wondered how some guys you know have such
an easy time gaining muscular strength?  And they can do it in just
a matter of weeks, without endless reps, complicated exercises,
hours in the gym, using fancy equipment or taking dangerous drugs? 

If so I'd like to share with you 4 Hidden Strength Keys that were
taught to me by former SWAT Commander & Bodyguard Mike Gillette.
Tip #2 is shocking!  Click Here to Borrow The Keys!

Sign off,

Your Name

Day 6 email:

Subject: Are you mentally tough? (free chapter)


Section 2 of the new Savage Strength Training System contains 8 of
Mike Gillette's top secrets for developing strength. 

This one has to be one of my personal favorites so I'd like to
share this sample chapter with you. 

Secret 1 - Toughness

by Mike Gillette

Now a key point which needs to be brought up right now, at the beginning,
is this... strength training... really hard, teeth-grinding strength training builds
something in you that goes beyond just strength development alone.

That quality is physical toughness.  What do I mean by toughness?

Let's go back to Webster's, where toughness is defined like this...

Toughness: "capable of enduring strain or hardship <as in tough soldiers>,
marked by an absence of softness"

Being tough is a big deal.

Mostly because there aren't a lot of tough people around anymore.

Toughness has become an endangered resource.

When I was young I used to hear people use the phrase; "be a man."

Now nobody ever said to you "be a man" because they were telling you to
compromise, or to make someone else feel good about doing a half-a@#ed
job at something.

They were telling you to toughen up.

Meaning... suck it up, stop whining and take care of the problem.

But here's the good news; you can get start cultivating toughness today,
by building toughness into your strength training program.

Click Here To Order The Savage
Strength Training System On Sale


The toughness I'm referring to here is the ability to withstand uncomfortable
stimulus, which is a fancy way of saying pain.

Sometimes strength training can hurt a little bit.

But a little temporary pain is actually a good thing because you need to know
that you can take it.

I'm not talking about anything that's abusive or damaging to the structure of
your body.

There's a big difference between a little temporary pain and an actual injury.

But a little discomfort, which can simply be the result of compressing some
rest periods or doing some intense interval work after finishing some heavy
lifting, that kind of discomfort is beneficial.

Again, just to show yourself that you can do it. It is a discipline-builder.
Sometimes you should train outdoors when it is very hot.

You need to be smart about it and hydrate accordingly, but this is something
that people don't normally do.

People navigate towards what's comfortable and comfort does not build

Conversely, in the wintertime go outside and work out.  Train smart, but go
outside and push yourself.

Break past what your mind tells you is doable and forge new goals based on
what you want to do and not what other people tell you can do.

Am I saying you should train like this all the time?

The answer is "No."

But periodically shocking the system to prove to yourself that you can do things
you didn't think you could do before is extremely beneficial.

The discipline that this develops can propel your training farther than anything else.

This is the benefit of developing mental toughness, which is the real
barometer of your potential success.

It's simple... mentally tough people get stronger than people who are not
mentally tough.

This may sound self-evident but it's absolutely true.

When we're talking about strength training, we're talking about transcending
genetics, vanity and even our own ideas about what is reasonable or even

Remember, the mind navigates the body... so make them both as tough and
as strong as you can.

And here is where we reach the point where people start to get a little freaked out.

They think "Mike is extreme. I'm not sure I can do what he's saying. It sounds
too hard... maybe I'm too old... maybe Mike is just crazy..."

Well guess what... you're not too skinny, too old or anything else. If you want
to be strong, you can be.

Strength is an aspect of physical development which can be improved upon
at any point throughout your entire life.

Numerous studies have been conducted with senior citizens who had been
placed on resistance training programs.

And even at their advanced ages, these test subjects improved not only their
strength but connective tissue resilience and even bone density.

So we're not talking about anything that someone has to stop doing simply
because they're approaching middle age or even beyond.

This should be a lifelong pursuit.


Man, I love the Manifesto that Mike Gillette wrote and the workouts are
even better.

If you haven't joined the other 1367 other people that got on board with
the Savage Strength Training System yesterday go claim your copy for

Savage Strength Training System <<< Ends Soon

Order it now, read it over the next few days and start fresh on Monday on
your new mission to become mentally and physically tougher.

Sign off,

Your Name

P.S. This is probably the biggest bargain I've seen all year.  You
get 21-weeks of programming for the price of a 30-minute personal
training session. BUT you get it from a former SWAT Commander
and Bodyguard not some pencil necked know it all bookworm.

Day 7 email:

Subject: 2 Surprise Bonuses (ends tonight)

Wouldn't it be cool if you could have Mike Gillette guide
you through his entire Savage Strength Training System?

I just got word that if you pick up your copy before the end of the day
you'll get this 60-minute coaching walk-through video set.


Mike will take you through all the Savage Strength workouts
exercise by exercise, to make sure you are doing everything

Order Savage Strength Today  <<< Get Free Coaching Online DVDs 

This is for serious action takers only.  If you wait until tomorrow to make
up your mind this opportunity will have passed you by.
Just to make it a no-brainer I've got more GOOD NEWS! 

Order today and you'll also receive this Bonus: 

How To Construct Your Own Portable, Adjustable Suspension Gym
For Less Than $20


 Savage Strength With Extra Bonuses!  <<< Expires Tonight

These ropes are awesome because you can bring them
with you to the gym or use them at home and they attach
to any piece of equipment. 

You could have these built over the weekend and use them
on Monday!  They're great for the joints and can be used 
instead of rings or chains or even an expensive TRX setup.

Claim Your 60-Minute Program Explanation Video Walk-Through
and Your Suspension Gym Bonus PDF here before they're gone.

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 P.S.  What's Mike Gillette's Job?

He was formerly a SWAT Commander & Executive Bodyguard...
Today he Manufactures Weaklings Into Men!

Click Here To Claim Your Bonuses Before They Are Taken Down




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