Weight Lifting, Weight Training, Bench Press & Bodybuilding
March 13, 2025
Muscle Gaining Diet With Healthy Carbs
By Karen Sessions

Muscle Gaining Diet With Healthy Carbs I have received many e-mails questioning the benefits of eating carbohydrates, training, and gaining muscle mass. There is a lot of information available to us on carbohydrates and many are confused with the numerous conflicting ideas. I think perhaps the biggest mistake is that the majority of the people try too many programs and don't give any of them a chance to work.

Another common mistake for those trying to gain muscle size, power, and strength is eating insufficient carbohydrates. There are many trying to do a low-carbohydrate diet to gain size. As nice as that would be, it's rather difficult, if not impossible. Granted, you can gain some size over a period of years on low carbohydrates, but many want results much quicker.

Why carbohydrates are important

Carbohydrates are important if you want to build muscle mass and strength. They are the primary source of energy for activity, especially weight training.

Those who train heavy with maximum intensity deplete their glycogen stores. This leads to a greater need of carbohydrates for fuel and glycogen replenishment. Carbohydrates are also necessary for digestion and utilization of fats and proteins.

How to incorporate carbohydrates in your diet

For overall balance, combine your carbohydrate with a complete protein to form a meal and to spare lean muscle tissue during training. Carbohydrates and protein should compose the bulk of your daily caloric intake, while keeping fat on the lower end.

Choose unprocessed complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc. These are best since they digest slowly and keep the blood glucose levels stable. To ballpark your carbohydrate intake, (men) multiply your bodyweight by 3, and women use your body weight times 2.

Timing is everything when taking in carbohydrates

It is imperative to consume some complex carbohydrates prior to training to fuel your heavy and intense workout. If you don't have adequate energy, you will not train to your full potential.

There is an anabolic window that occurs within 20 minutes following training, when your muscles are depleted of glycogen. This is the optimal time that your body can utilize nutrients 100%. Not only is it is vital to consume complete protein at this time, but also complex and simple carbohydrates.

This immediate intake of protein and carbohydrates puts you in an anabolic state. The sugar from the simple carbohydrates will shuttle the carbohydrates, protein, and nutrients to the depleted muscles. This post-training nutrient intake also aids in recovery and growth by enhancing tissue repair by delivering amino acids and nutrients to the depleted muscles.

Understand that the body can only tolerate high glycemic simple sugar to its advantage following an intense training session, not all day. While insulin is an anabolic hormone, it is also a fat producing hormone, and when too much insulin is secreted it can't be used properly. A constant supply of too much sugar will result in insulin sensitivity, borderline hypoglycemia, and fat gain.

Be sure your food choices are fresh and natural and you will receive much better results in your training, muscle growth, and fat loss.

About The Author

Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988 and is a certified personal fitness instructor and specialist in performance nutrition. She is a nationally qualified natural female bodybuilder, holding numerous titles in the southern states including two overalls.

Karen has written six e-books on fitness. She also writes articles for several fitness websites, and distributes two monthly newsletters regarding weight loss and female bodybuilding.

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you want to build a prize-winning physique, find someone who accomplished what you want to accomplish, and base your goals on that. Written by Ms. Fit, Karen Sessions.


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