Lose Belly Fat in 10 Minutes Flat by Dr. Kareem Samhouri author of Double Edged Fat Loss
In order to flatten your abs in ten minutes a day, you'll need to exercise smart, not long. The importance of pre-planning your exercise routine for optimal results with a minimal time commitment goes beyond words. Instead of working hard to exercise, why not let exercise work hard for you? Follow these specific guidelines if you would like to flatten your abs in ten minutes flat.
Guideline #1: Think whole body. By exercising your entire body in a routine, you are stimulating more muscles, increasing local metabolism at many joints, and thereby affecting your whole body metabolism, or global metabolism. Moving many joints at once with every exercise you do will promise you better results in half the time.
Guideline #2: Alternate pushing and pulling exercises. Let's use common exercises to exemplify this concept: bench press and lat pull. Bench press is a pushing exercise, while lat pull is a pulling exercise. By alternating between these two exercises, you are asking your body for opposite demands, resting one muscle while you are working another, and 'shocking your system' into demanding circulation to all areas at once. Increased circulatory demand results in increased stroke volume from the heart (the amount of blood expelled per heart beat), and increased metabolic effort. Naturally, this results in improved results.
Guideline #3: Think core first. By focusing your efforts on areas that are of increased importance to you, you are pre-activating these muscles and using them more effectively. For example, if you are doing sit ups on the ball, you can squeeze your glutes together to increase lower abdominal and gluteal tension. This will intentionally force a greater contraction these muscles and result in improved outcome. Another example of this would be a pull up. It's possible to do a pull up with the majority of emphasis in your arms, or it's also possible to perform a pull up with the majority of emphasis in your lats. In other words, you can decide which muscles you want to emphasize by intentionally recruiting them during exercise.
Flattening your abs is easier than it sounds if you exercise smart, not hard. It takes knowledge, a premeditated approach to your exercise routine, and effort from the right areas.
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