You don't have to look very hard to find out how many calories you can burn while doing one hour of running, for example.
A lot of fitness machines will even tell you how many calories you are burning every second that you are on them!
Wow, huh? Not really�
To be honest, choosing an activity because it promises to burn x-amount of calories in an hour is one of the biggest mistakes you can make! It is not only time-consuming, it's ineffective!
Why not save time AND get better results? By doing short, intense workouts, such as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), you will get greater results in less time. How, you ask?
By doing HIIT, you will continue to burn calories for up to 24 hours after your session! So while you may burn only � as many calories during your actual workout, you will keep burning calories all day long - even in your sleep!
On the other hand, after a workout consisting of moderate exercise for one hour, you stop burning calories as soon as the workout ends.
So remember, QUALITY is way more important than quantity. Short intense workouts will give you the results you want in no time!
Find Out How a Studio Manager From the TV Industry Lost 2,5 Inches of Belly Fat in 2,5 weeks, by Only Working Out 60 min Per Week! Here's What You'll Learn, Including:
Preparations before starting the program
A description on when and where to perform the program.
What certain tools I recommend to fire up your workouts.
What Burn Fat at Home really is and what training methods it is based around.
A total of 15 weeks of rigorously and detailed planned workouts, starting from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced Level.
A challenge I created for you to compete with others!
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