Jeremy Hoornstra Bench Presses 260 Pounds For 40 Reps!
Hoornstra bench presses his body weight for 40-reps at the Tony Conyers Push/Pull Extravaganza held at Pittbull Gym in Tampa, Florida on August 18th, 2007.
What makes this feat of strength even more impressive is the fact that Jeremy raw bench pressed 650 pounds for a one rep max prior to competiting in this
reps contest. View the video below.

242 RAW DVD With Jeremy Hoornstra Includes The Following Feats Of Strength!
- Flat Bench (raw) 675 x 1, 585 x 4, 495 x 10, 405 x 22
- Incline Bench (raw) 605 x 1
- Nosebreakers (benchpress bar) 315 x 4
- Seated Front Raises 105's x 6
- Standing Laterals 115's x 4
- Military Press (behind head) 405 x 5, 455 x 3
- Dumbbell Military Presses 100's x 50
- Hangcleans with press 315 x 8
- Bent-over rows 495 x 5, 545 x 5
More Information: 242 RAW - Bench DVD

Photos compliments and copyright protected by Hardcore Powerlifting LLC
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