Do Your Gym Employees Know Their Job Descriptions? by Brian Cannone
Do you have a written list of what the job description is for each person in your company? If so, do they know about them and would they be able to repeat them back to you while they're half-asleep?
If not, you might consider holding regular meetings and making sure everybody knows exactly what they're doing.
All too often, I see companies where their employees spend more time trying to figure out what they're supposed to be doing than time actually doing work!
And if this is you, you're wasting a lot of valuable work time and potentially losing clients and business.
So how do you fix this problem?
Well, every single person in your business needs to know exactly what they're supposed to be doing at all times. If you walk up to them at any point in the day, they should know the exact job they're supposed to be doing and how it should be done.
If they don't know this, you need to make sure they know it for next time.
Just think about how much time your employees are wasting by trying to continually figure out what they're supposed to be doing. If they're even half confused on what they should be doing, trust me, it adds up to a HUGE amount of extra time at the end of the day where they could be doing something productive instead of walking around aimlessly trying to pretend they're busy.
One thing you might do is print out a sheet or a few sheets of paper listing every single persons job in the company and a bulleted list of what they're expected to accomplish each and every day.
Plus, you need to make sure that your employees know that you don't simply expect the minimum from them. This is one of the biggest killers of businesses I know - when employees only want to do the minimum and aren't willing to go "above and beyond" their job to either help out other employees or help clients that aren't theirs.
But why would they do that?
Most employees are simply there to get a paycheck. Unfortunately that's the case, but it's the truth. So what you need to do is figure out what they want and give them an incentive for going above and beyond their call of duty.
This could be something like having an employee of the month, giving out free tickets to a local hockey/baseball game (or whatever your employees agree on), or whatever else you think they would like to work towards.
In fact, you might consider even having a vote and letting THEM pick what their reward would be, or having a few options that they could choose from if they win. This makes sure they actually want to work towards becoming an employee of the month and when you get your entire team to start working towards that goal, what do you think is going to happen to your business?
It's going to become much more productive!
By making sure your employees both know what they're supposed to be doing and strive to do even more than that, you're almost guaranteed a more successful, more stress-free work environment - and more clients in the long run!
The "No Discount" Guide To Fitness Marketing by Brian Cannone
Behind the scenes fitness expert finally reveals his secrets�
Discover How To Instantly Create A Stampede Of New Members Into Your Health Club, Fitness Studio, Or Gym�With These �No Discount Street Tactics� Invented By A Connecticut Man Who Created $59,845 in New Billings Out Of Thin Air�And How He Did It Again 4 Years Later...
The Best Part: He�s put these tactics into a complete step-by-step system anyone can follow to launch a new health club, re-launch an old one, or get a bunch of new members on the cheap. Read this special fitness sales online report to discover more�