Weight Lifting, Weight Training, Bench Press & Bodybuilding
January 15, 2025
Improve Your Performance Using Goal Setting
By Mark Strasser M.S. CSCS of CriticalBench.com

Success is state of mind:

"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." -Michelangelo

High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation. In the long run, you'll always hit what you aim at. So why not aim high?

Your limits are nearly all in your mind. What you envision you can do, you can do if you set a goal and work daily towards it. Start thinking of yourself as a great athlete. Success is a state of mind.

Believe in yourself. Know in your heart, that you can do the job you've set out to do.

Think BIG. Set Big Goals.

setting goals

Your long-term goal(s) may be to make it to the professional level or to make the starting line up of your current team. Short-term goals should be set daily or weekly and should lead you closer to achieving your long-term goals. Each short-term goal must have action steps. They describe the steps that need to be taken to accomplish the short-term goal. Here is an example of a goal setting plan including long term and intermediate goals plus the short-term goals and their action steps.

Long Term Goal - I will be a starting (position) on my current team.

Intermediate Goal - I will report to pre-season practice in excellent physical shape. I will run the 40yd dash in 4.35. I will bench press 300. I will run a mile in 5:15. (set specific measurable goals)

Short-term Goal - I will improve my lower and upper body strength.

Action Step 1 - I will follow my weight-training program in my summer manual.

Action Step 2 - I will complete my exercise routines on the lower body lifting days.

Action Step 3 - I will complete my exercise routines on the upper body lifting days.

Some important points to remember when setting your goals and assessing your progress.

  • Your goals must be challenging.

  • Your goals must be realistic, measurable and attainable.

  • Your goals must be positive (i.e., things to achieve rather than things to avoid).

  • Write down your goals and your progress towards them. If things are going well consider new targets. If things are going badly, assess why progress has not taken place, you may have to set more realistic goals.

  • Set your goals in areas of weakness as well as areas of strength.

The following section is your weekly goal setting journal. Make yourself 12 copies, one for each week of the program. Write down the week number and your goal(s) for that week. Fill in the action steps you will need to take each day to help you accomplish your goal(s). Evaluate your progress at the end of each week, and make necessary adjustments to your plan.

Success is yours if you want it bad enough, and are willing to pay the price. Set your goals high! You are capable of being extraordinary. Believe it, and achieve it!

Goal Setting Worksheet

Week___Goal is to:

DayAction StepsThoughts On The Session







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