Sleep apnea plagues many MANY people. The problems range from not being able to fall asleep at night, to having a hard time relaxing and shutting off their mind, to waking up numerous times throughout the night. I�m sure many of you can relate!
Researchers now know that not getting enough sleep can be attributed to, among others, the following two factors: not doing enough fitness training and doing too much stuff in the bed.
Think about it - what is a bed made for? For sleeping, right?
Then why do we do computer work, read books and watch TV in our bed? Surely there are other places where we can do these things!
So, my advice for a better night�s sleep is this: Leave your computer in your office and your books and TV in the living room. And� Exercise!
It has now been proven that fitness training is not only effective for fat loss and overall health, but it also can improve your ability to sleep each night!
Find Out How a Studio Manager From the TV Industry Lost 2,5 Inches of Belly Fat in 2,5 weeks, by Only Working Out 60 min Per Week! Here's What You'll Learn, Including:
Preparations before starting the program
A description on when and where to perform the program.
What certain tools I recommend to fire up your workouts.
What Burn Fat at Home really is and what training methods it is based around.
A total of 15 weeks of rigorously and detailed planned workouts, starting from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced Level.
A challenge I created for you to compete with others!
FAQ section with all the most common questions that will take you one step closer towards your new life.