Fully 95% of your emotions are determined by the
way you talk to yourself. Reaching your desired
level of physical fitness is only limited by the degree
to which you're mentally and emotionally fit. When
you feed your conscious mind with positive messages
such as "I feel happy! I feel healthy! I feel terrific!"
you are activating your subconscious mind to go to
work at bringing about positive results in your physical
Here are 3 mental tools that you can use to bring about
positive changes in your physical life and increase
your level of fitness:
1. Think about it - The law of attraction states that
"you are a living magnet, you will inevitably attract
into your life the people, ideas, circumstances and
resources that are in harmony with your dominant
thoughts." This simply means that what you think
about and believe with conviction will inevitably
manifest itself in your life. You get what you think
2. Talk about it - The law of affirmation states that
"if you tell yourself in positive, personal, present
tense statements that you are or have the thing
you desire, that very thing will move closer to you."
Remember, you control what is planted in your garden.
You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds, but if
you don't deliberately plant flowers your garden will
fill up with weeds by default.
3. Act it - Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Do the thing
and you will have the power." What this means for
and I is that we can act our way towards better fitness.
If you simply resolve to pretend that you are an actress
trying out for the role of a happy, healthy character
everyday you will soon notice that you are becoming
more and more like the person you wish to be. Fake
it until you make it.
Your outer life is a mirror reflection of your inner life.
The better you feel mentally and emotionally the better
you will look and feel physically. Start thinking fit and
soon you will be just that!
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