Yesterday I told you about the NEW release of Coach Ferruggia's Renegade Summer Football Strength workout.
A coach that bought this program emailed me asking what his son should do for a "hydration procedue" during hot weather workouts.
Whether it's a 2 a-days for football camp or just busting your butt in the summer heat requires proper hydration.
I don't always have the answer, but I have connections and got two really good answers that I wanted to share with everyone.
How To Stay Hydrated During Football Camp
This is what Jason Ferruggia wrote me today:
"The best thing I've found, that I I've used with great success over
the last few years, is coconut water. It's the perfect sports drink.
Like nature's Gatorade, only way better for you and more effective.
I recommend it to all my athletes and they have never had a problem
with dehydration since we started using it. A few years ago it was
impossible to find but these days a lot of health food stores and
organic markets carry it. If not, you can order cases of it online.
Zico and One are the two brands I use most. Along with the gallon
of water you should be drinking daily during two-a-days, you should
chug a carton or two of coconut water during practices.
On top of that I would make sure your diet contains an adequate
amount of sodium. So be sure to add some sea salt to your meals.
My other favorite "secret performance enhancing food" is pickles.
Some times when athletes are feeling fatigued during intense training
in the hot weather I simply instruct them to start eating a few pickles
per day.
They look at me like I'm nuts, but it always works.
Give those two tips a try and I think you'll notice a nice boost in
performance while pretty much eliminating your risk of dehydration."
You're in luck because I asked my nutrionist friend and fellow powerlifter
Eric Talmant and he wrote me back as well with the following advice.
By the way this is the same cocktail I drink after cutting weight for
powerlifting when I need to put my weight back on and re-constitute.
"To 20 ounces of water (reverse osmosis is best), add 4 teaspoons of
dextrose, plus 1/8th a teaspoon of sea salt, plus 1/32nd of a teaspoon
(tricky-just use a dash of a 1/8th measuring spoon) of di-potassium
An athlete can drink this throughout the longest and most demanding
athletic competition without the need to drink additional water to
maintain hydration; and with confidence that electrolytes are being
replaced in perfect proportion."
Hope these tips come in handy whether you have football practice to
attend or not this a great drink to keep you hydrated during those hot
outdoor summer workouts.
It's much better then chugging sports drinks filled with sugar.
And if you're interesed in Coach Ferruggia's football strength program,
check it out before he takes it down this Saturday. If you don't grab it
now you might have to wait until the Fall.