The Crusher, a Bodybuilding Routine for Bodybuilders Who Love to Max on Deadlifts and Squats By Steve Shaw
Love to max on deadlift and squat? Finding it hard to incorporate heavy deadlift and squat training into your bodybuilding routine? Well, do I got a solution for you. I call this bodybuilding routine the Crusher.
The Crusher allows you to lift big on squats and deadlifts, without completely turning your bodybuilding routine into a powerlifting workout.
Squats and deadlifts. On the Crusher routine, you workout squats and deadlifts once a week, on the same training day. On this day, you focus primarily on the two big lifts, alternating each week between heavy deadlifts and lighter squats, and heavy squats and lighter deadlift training.
Workout A. Workout A is your heavy squat, lighter deadlift workout. Here is a sample workout�
Squats. Start with the following workout, and add 10 pounds each Workout A week, until you reach failure on a heavy single. When you hit failure, decrease the weight used by 30 pounds, and begin to cycle back up. Note, you can also use box squats instead of standard squats.
60% 1RM x 5 reps
60% + 25 pounds x 4 reps
60% + 50 pounds x 3 reps
60% + 75 pounds x 2 reps x 2 sets
60% + 100 pounds x 1 rep x 2 sets
So, if you have a current squat max of 330 pounds, your starting workout would be:
200 x 5 reps
225 x 4 reps
250 x 3 reps
275 x 2 reps x 2 sets
300 x 1 rep x 2 sets
Again, as long as you are able to hit both of your single rep sets without failure, move up 10 pounds the following Workout A week. Continue to move up by 10 pound increments until you hit failure. Then, back off these weights by 30 pounds, and start to cycle back up.
For example, let�s say you cycle up on Workout A days, and finally hit failure at the following numbers�
250 x 5 reps
275 x 4 reps
300 x 3 reps
325 x 2 reps x 2 sets
350 x 1 rep x FAIL (FAILED ON FIRST REP�no need to try second rep)
Your next Workout A squat day would start with�
220 x 5 reps
245 x 4 reps
270 x 3 reps
295 x 2 reps x 2 sets
320 x 1 rep x 2 sets
Deadlifts. For Workout A squat days, perform 10 rest-paused deadlift reps at 70% of your 1RM. If your current deadlift 1RM is 400 pounds, you would perform 10 rest-paused reps at 280 pounds.
Rest paused reps are just that; they are single reps. You rest only long enough in between reps to regain your strength and composure. This is generally around a 15 to 30 second rest between reps.
Do not perform the 10 reps as a single set. The point is not to attack your lower back. The point of this set is to work on your deadlifting form, and to get in some deadlift work.
Workout B. Workout B is your heavy deadlift, and lighter squat workout. Here is a sample workout�
Deadlifts. Start with the following workout, and add 10 pounds each Workout B week, until you reach failure on a heavy single. When you hit failure, decrease the weight used by 30 pounds, and begin to cycle back up. This is the exact same pattern used with Workout A squats, except that weight separations are 30 pounds instead of 25.
60% 1RM x 5 reps
60% + 30 pounds x 4 reps
60% + 60 pounds x 3 reps
60% + 90 pounds x 2 reps x 2 sets
60% + 120 pounds x 1 rep x 2 sets
So, if you have a current deadlift max of 400 pounds, your starting workout would be:
240 x 5 reps
270 x 4 reps
300 x 3 reps
330 x 2 reps x 2 sets
360 x 1 rep x 2 sets
Squats. The workout B squat routine is a simple 5�5 routine. Use 70% of your 1RM squat max, and perform 5 sets of 5 reps. You can also use box squats instead of squats.
Supplemental exercises. The following exercises can be used as supplemental exercises on a squat/deadlift day. Pick 2 additional exercises for Workout A and Workout B.
As you can see, you are performing 3 sets for each of these exercises. Do NOT train to failure. When you hit a total of 20 reps (or more) for the 3 sets of an exercise, move up slightly in weight.
Because the squat/deadlift day also serves as a leg day, make sure you perform a hamstring exercise on each day. Also note, because of the nature of this routine, it�s hard to get in calf work on this training day. It is best to work in calves on another training day.
Good Mornings, 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
Romanian Deadlifts, 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
Hamstring Curls, 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
Lunges, 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
Leg Extensions, 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
Front Squats, 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
Zercher Squats. 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
Split. These are many possible split options for this routine. It�s beyond the scope of this article to provide splits for enhanced (steroid using) lifters, so here are some options for naturals�
3 Day a Week. On this split, you hit squats/deadlifts on day 1, push on day 3, and pull on day 5, as follows:
Day 1: Squat/Deadlift Workout
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Back/Biceps/Calves (optional)
Day 6: Rest, or have an Abs/Calves/Misc. workout
Day 7: Rest
4 Day a Week. The difference between the 3 day and 4 day splits is as follows: shoulders are removed from chest day.
Day 1: Squat/Deadlift Day
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Chest/Triceps
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Back/Biceps
Day 6: Shoulders/Abs/Calves
Day 7: Rest
Sample Chest/Shoulders/Triceps Workout. Here is a sample workout you can use on your chest/shoulders/triceps day. You don�t need to perform a thousand sets/exercises to blast all three muscle groups.