So you�re burning fat, you�re losing weight - your life is good! You�re on your way to the body you�ve always been dreaming of. Then, bam! You hit a roadblock.
You�re still doing the same things, so why are you not losing any more weight? Why are your biceps STILL the same size they were two weeks ago?
It all comes down to a little thing called adaptation. You can only do the same thing over and over again for so long before your body starts to adapt to it and you stop seeing improvements.
Whether your goal is to burn fat or build muscle, you need to change things up to keep your body from adapting. If you keep going the same distance every day, or lifting the same amount, your results will eventually come to a standstill.
To ensure that this doesn�t happen, aim to keep things fresh! Every day that you workout, make a little change.
It doesn�t have to be huge - maybe instead of doing 5 pull-ups like you did the day before, try to do 6 pull-ups. Alright, this may be a tough one, but I promise, you can perform an extra pullup the next workout. Come on, give it a try!
Another example can be summed up in one word - �fartlek�.
Fartlek is a Swedish word that means keeping an irregular motion, or mixing things up. So if you are jogging, increase your intensity for just 30 meters throughout your workout. An easy way to do this is by counting light poles. You could jog for 3 light poles, walk for 2, sprint for 1, etc.
For both muscle building and fat loss, this is extremely important! Follow these simple advises and you will keep seeing results!
Find Out How a Studio Manager From the TV Industry Lost 2,5 Inches of Belly Fat in 2,5 weeks, by Only Working Out 60 min Per Week! Here's What You'll Learn, Including:
Preparations before starting the program
A description on when and where to perform the program.
What certain tools I recommend to fire up your workouts.
What Burn Fat at Home really is and what training methods it is based around.
A total of 15 weeks of rigorously and detailed planned workouts, starting from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced Level.
A challenge I created for you to compete with others!
FAQ section with all the most common questions that will take you one step closer towards your new life.