What's The Best Music To Play Throughout Your Gym? by Brian Cannone
There are tons of different personalities that are going to come into your health club, and tons of different personalities means that a lot of people are going to want different radio stations.
Some people, usually the hardcore bodybuilders, are going to want to listen to heavy metal and/or rock stations while people such as women and "less hardcore" people might want to listen to Pop, R&B, sometimes even country.
Then of course as the owner you get complaints from the people who can't listen to what they want to listen to. It's like babysitting a bunch of kids, isn't it?
Listen, you can't give in to the people who complain about a certain radio station. If your staff keeps changing the radio station to try and please everybody in the gym, it's kind of like a shotgun approach - and the shotgun approach doesn't work.
My suggestion is that you stick to one radio station - ALL THE TIME. Don't ever move from that radio station, unless of course they start playing really bad music or go bankrupt or something like that.
Another thing you need to know is that you should never keep the radio in plain view of the members of your health club. They don't care whether or not you want it changed, they're going to do it anyway. People unfortunately only care about themselves and they'll show you that - so don't even give them the option!
In my health club we have Sirius Radio, keep it on just one station and we hide the receiver so the members couldn't find it and change the stations on us.
So with that in mind you're probably asking, "ok well how do I figure out which station to keep it on". It's simple really.
Here are 2 options:
Do a poll and ask every member of your gym what station they would prefer. Then at the end of the poll, put it to that station and leave it there for good. Make sure you explain to the members why you're doing this and that the final decision is the final decision. They'll respect you for doing this because they'll realize you're trying to make everyone happy. This is the strategy I recommend.
You can also simply pick a radio station that has a mix of genres and plays similar but different music (usually whatever is popular at that time) and leave it on there. You also need to think of what kind of members you have. If you have more of a hardcore gym, put it on a hardcore station. If it's for average people simply trying to lose a few jean sizes, just put on the type of music popular at that time.
This might not seem like a big deal, but I literally know people who have left clubs just because of the music they played. By learning how to make the most people happy you're going to keep more members for a longer time and gain their trust at the same time!
The "No Discount" Guide To Fitness Marketing by Brian Cannone
Behind the scenes fitness expert finally reveals his secrets�
Discover How To Instantly Create A Stampede Of New Members Into Your Health Club, Fitness Studio, Or Gym�With These �No Discount Street Tactics� Invented By A Connecticut Man Who Created $59,845 in New Billings Out Of Thin Air�And How He Did It Again 4 Years Later...
The Best Part: He�s put these tactics into a complete step-by-step system anyone can follow to launch a new health club, re-launch an old one, or get a bunch of new members on the cheap. Read this special fitness sales online report to discover more�