The Importance Of Becoming A Local Fitness Expert by Brian Cannone of Fitness Atlantic
If you want to crush your competition into the dust and never again have to worry about another competitor - ever - you're going to love this.
By becoming a local fitness expert, you're going to be able to absolutely dominate the local market, and the best part is, it's easy to do!
Ok so first, the reason you want to become a local fitness expert is simple - when people hear your name, you have instant credibility. Positioning yourself as THE fitness expert in your area will not only land you on the news, it will bring you in more clients and they'll stay much longer and buy more from you.
So here's how you do it:
First, you're going to want to plan an event at your health club. There are a few things you can do with this including having a contest (think "biggest loser"), holding a charity event, or doing some crazy publicity stunt that grabs the attention of your entire town.
Next, you're going to want to personally contact every single media person possible and tell them about what you're going to do. Make it so that these media are practically like paparazzi - shoving each other out of the way so they can get a better shot.
Of course you don't want it to be insane, just try to get as many people from the media as possible.
Your time to shine is during the event. You might think of holding a short but incredibly powerful seminar during the event. This is going to position you as the expert and people will remember you. Be sure to give them some of your most secret and useful information possible.
You should also make a bunch of shirts to give away and make sure your logo, business name, and maybe even a special offer and call-to-action on the shirt!
For example it might say "I completed the 5k run at Joe's Health Club and helped promote breast cancer awareness to the country!" Then under that, have something like "call Joe's at xxx-xxxx and ask about the special 5k run discount!
And there you have it - free advertising which will probably continue to come in. People will see those shirts and call you months after the event.
Plus, if you get yourself on the local news/TV - people will associate you as being the expert which will make you THE person to go to if they need to get in shape.
My point is that the best thing you can do to position yourself as a local fitness expert is to simply get yourself on the radio and TV. When you can say you were on the local radio/TV, you have instant credibility and your prospects will turn into paying members - and your current members will most likely start buying more from you.
It works like a charm!
The "No Discount" Guide To Fitness Marketing by Brian Cannone
Behind the scenes fitness expert finally reveals his secrets�
Discover How To Instantly Create A Stampede Of New Members Into Your Health Club, Fitness Studio, Or Gym�With These �No Discount Street Tactics� Invented By A Connecticut Man Who Created $59,845 in New Billings Out Of Thin Air�And How He Did It Again 4 Years Later...
The Best Part: He�s put these tactics into a complete step-by-step system anyone can follow to launch a new health club, re-launch an old one, or get a bunch of new members on the cheap. Read this special fitness sales online report to discover more�