5 Reasons Why Aerobic Exercise SUCKS for Fast Weight Loss by Caleb Lee
Want to burn fat so you can show off more of those muscles you�ve been working so hard in the gym to achieve?
Of course you do! Unfortunately�
You�re being LIED to when it comes to Aerobics for fat loss!
Here�s six reasons why aerobic exercise sucks for weight loss�
After 8 weeks you get no benefits
After 8 weeks or more of aerobics, all that training is counterproductive, there�s no increase in VO2 max (aerobic capacity) and the weight loss benefits are minimal because basically, your body has already adapted.
Aerobics kill your power and makes you slow
Steady state aerobics worsen your anaerobic, explosive, speed and power abilities� in short the more lower body aerobics you do (running, biking) the worse your vertical and leg power movements get� and the more upper body aerobics you do the worse your punching power, throws, etc get. If you�re an athlete or like to be fast on the field or court (even if it�s just on the weekends) aerobics isn�t for you.
Aerobics puts more increases free radicals
Oxidation in the body forms free radicals. Free radicals suck, they make you age faster, hurt your muscles, hurt your immune system, basically nothing good about them. Anti-oxidants are important to battle free-radicals.
Aerobic training increases adrenal stress
Many people today suffer from adrenal burnout anyways from stress, overstimulation and busy lifestyles. The results? More fat gain. Not to mention: tiredness, fearfulness, allergies, frequent influenza, arthritis, anxiety, depression, reduced memory, and difficulties in concentrating, insomnia, and feeling worn-out all the time.
Aerobics mess up your testosterone/cortisol ratio
I shouldn�t have to tell you this but more Testosterone means more muscle� more corisol (a stress hormone) increases fat gain, muscle tissue breakdown, etc. Basically, you�re killing your ability to gain lean muscle mass and burn fat when you do aerobics.
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