Pet food alone is simply not enough. Our beloved pets continually face many potentially problematic health conditions including breath odor, joint problems, hairball blockage, skin and coat conditions, anxiety and immune system stress. Therefore, it is essential to recognize that supplementation is as important to your pet's health and well-being as it is to your own and it should not be overlooked.
ActiPet was created to help your beloved pet remain healthy and active. Each fine ActiPet product is specially formulated with only the highest quality human-grade raw ingredients and contains potent and efficacious amounts of key ingredients and nutrients that target specific health conditions.
ActiPet works with traditional and holistic veterinarians in formulating each and every fine product. Our veterinarians, scientists and doctors have researched every product and specified which ingredients and dosage levels are essential and safe to ensure your pet's optimal health and longevity.
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