About Vanda
Vanda's love for a balanced spiritual, mental and physical lifestyle has her growing in popularity and recognition throughout the world. Whether it is working with kids
in her own community, winning World Fitness Championships, appearing in magazines and television, Vanda is reaching for her goals and taking others with her.
Vanda was born in Romania, where at a young age she started to train in Gymnastics. Her standout ability quickly led to a selection to train with one of the top
gymnastics teams in the world, the Romanian National Team. Through very hard work, discipline, and focus, Vanda went on to see the World as a very celebrated
gymnastics competitor. It was the basis of this gymnastics training that would instill the qualities that Vanda uses today as a World Champion Fitness competitor.
Vanda's rise in the fitness industry was a quick one. She first started to compete in fitness in 2005. She won her very first competition and has continued with great
success ever since. Doug Schneider, of SeriousAboutFitness.com was quoted in Muscle Mag as saying, " I was totally blown away by Vanda's pristine conditioning
and majestic beauty." He predicted that Vanda is the next Canadian Superstar. Louis Zwick, President of Fitness Universe Pageant, is quoted as saying, "Vanda
brings to the performance stage world class skills mixed with elegance and charm fitting an international star."
Vanda currently coaches competitive gymnastics full time. Aside from her main job, Vanda also coaches and trains others (including fitness competitors), and runs her junior program.
Vanda is also a successful fitness model and bikini competitor having won various model search and World class competitions.
Gymnastics Highlights
Junior European Championships - Gold Medal All Around + Bars
World Championships - Bronze Medal Team
European Championships - Bronze All Around
Barcelona Olympics - Silver Team
Achieved Olympic Ranking of 11th
Fitness Highlights
Ms. Fitness Canada - twiced crowned and reigning champion
Fame/WNSO - reigning World Champion
Ms.Fitness World - 2nd place
Fitness Atlantic - reigning champion
Coached and trained first ever Jr. Ms. Fitness Canada - Alexa Cherrett
Athlete of the year - Neutron Sports/Ms.Fitness Canada
Looking forward to another year of competing in 2007
Coaching and training others to compete in 2007
Even more Modelling
Updating her training skills
Working on a workout video series
Broadening her opportunities to include screenwork