Weight Lifting, Weight Training, Bench Press & Bodybuilding
January 15, 2025
Bodybuilder Tony Catanzaro Tribute

Tony Catanzaro Here you will find photos of myself on stage and in the pump room. I started working out at the age of 15. I had an extra bedroom in my house since we used to have a house full of kids. My siblings were much older than me so when I was about 15 or so, I was the only kid still living at home. That's when I turned one of the bedrooms we had into a gym.

I remember my years of training at home and completely focusing on each muscle like a craftsman working alone. I would not even play music sometimes there would be just silence, like I was performing surgery or something.

As the years went on, I kept my promise to myself and to this day, I have no clue as to what steroids or growth hormones even look like! I am a 100% lifetime natural bodybuilder. I've achieved many of my goals and then some. With hard work and confidence will come "your riches!"


To this day, I still meet many guys who want to become male fitness models or bodybuilders who are taking enhancement drugs, and wish that they never started. I tell them that the only enhancement they need in life is their spirit!

Here are some of my competition photos, which I hope are inspiring to you.

Good luck and stay natural!

Bodybuilding Titles

2005 INBF Natural NYC Middle Weight Champion

2003 Fame America Model Universe, First Runner Up

2002 NPC New York State Bodybuilding, Middleweight winner & overall champion

2001 INBF Tournament of Champions, Middleweight Champion

1998 Natural Bodybuilding, Middleweight Champion

1997 Mr. Fitness Champion

Anthony's Web site:

Anthony Catanzaro Catanzaro Tony Catanzaro Anthony Catanzaro
Click each image for a larger pic.

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