About Pete Sisco
Pete Sisco is the developer of the ultra-brief, ultra-intense method of muscle building he calls Static Contraction training. He has authored and co-authored six titles published by McGraw Hill on the subject of efficient strength training and is a multi-million dollar online author and publisher of innovative fitness e-products.
His training articles and methods have been featured in many mainstream publications including, Men�s Journal, Golf, Men�s Fitness, Flex, Muscle & Fitness and others. His exclusive training method is extensively featured in Tony Robbins� Ultimate Edge product.
It is estimated that over 200,000 trainees have used his methods. His books have been translated into Japanese, Italian, Swedish and Russian and his e-products sell in over 80 countries worldwide. Free information about Static Contraction is available at www.StaticContraction.com
Pete Sisco is the author/editor of more than a dozen books on strength training. He is the foremost expert on Static Contraction training.
Articles Written by Pete Sisco for CriticalBench.com
4 Principles You Must Know for Fast Muscle Gain and Permanent Fat Loss
Get Maximum Gains Using a �Minimum Dosage"
Scheduling Aerobics and Static Contraction Training
Tough Economy? Why YOU Really Need to Get Strong Right Now!
How Young Can You Weight Train?
Shocking Data Reveals How to Get Stronger Much Faster
Rapid Muscle Gain
Before & After Fraud Photos
Review of Train Smart 2009 Program
An Honest Look at �Light� vs. �Heavy� Training
FREE PDF eBook by Pete Sisco
12 Intelligent Ways To Improve... Your Next Workout
Frankly, there is nowhere else on the Internet or in bookstores where you can get this training knowledge. It is the state of the art in strength training efficiency.
To get started, I recommend downloading our FREE e-booklet, Twelve Intelligent Ways to Improve Your Next Workout.
Have a great workout, Pete Sisco.
Download url: http://www.criticalbench.com/pdf/12ways.pdf
Finally, strength workouts for the thinking person...
10 exercises.....5 seconds each....All the muscle you want! Guaranteed.

Train Smart 2009
30 day Quick Start Program
Super Rep Abs
Super Reps Arms
CNS Workout and Seminar
The Static Contraction Seminar
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