About Natural Bodybuilder Ivan Nikolov
I was born and grew up in the city of Sofia, Bulgaria. I began training with weights when I was in 9-th grade. Although I had some very serious gains in my first several years I didn't get involved in body building on a professional level until I left the army.
In the years, prior to my departure to the US I was quite successful on a local level. However, my dream was to compete against the best in the world in the sport of Natural bodybuilding. And that is what brought me in the United States.
To date, I have competed in several competitions in the US. So far I have consistently placed in the Top 5 in Musclemania, a chain of prestigious natural world events. I also won the overall title of the NPC Tampa Bay Classic in 2004.
In addition to the awards in bodybuilding competitions, I hold a Master's degree in Industrial Management as well as degrees as a Bodybuilding Trainer and Massage Therapist.
Since my arrival in the U. S. I have been working on my dream to become a professional natural body builder. With the dedication that I posses and willingness to work really hard to achieve my goal, I am confident that I can reach that stage of success.
Visit my web site to Discover the Three Important Factors to Tremendously Accelerating the Process of Getting in Great Shape.
Articles Written by Ivan Nikolov For Critical Bench
The Dispute: Is Soy Products And Supplements Beneficial For Athletes?
Its Time To Gain Knowledge On Resistant Starch
Learn How To Read The Nutrition Label
How To Make Fat Loss Smoothies
Which Fruit Has The Most Vitamin C?
Why Am I Fat If I Eat Once A Day?
Learn The Facts On Saturated Fat
Why Is That Organic Food Is Better Than Chemical Food?
You Need To Understand Nutrition To Be Fit And Healthy
Get The Facts On Interesterified Fats and Cardiovascular Disease
Is Protein A Necessity For Gaining Weight?
Which Whey Supplement Should You Buy?
All Bodybuilders Should Be Doing High Intensity Interval Training
A Circuit Training Program To Do At Home
Are You Overtraining? Lets Prevent This From Happening!
Female Weight Training Program
Natural Ways To Increase Testosterone Bioavailability In Athletes - Part I
Natural Ways To Increase Testosterone Bioavailability In Athletes - Part II
How To Conduct A Female Weight Training Program
How Much Exercise To Burn Off Foods You Ate?
How To Gain Muscle and Burn Fat
Abdominal Fat � Why Isn�t it Going Away?
"Fat Loss Supplement" Series � Green Tea
"Fat Loss Supplement" Series � Calcium
Cardiovascular Warm Up Exercises
Free eBook from Ivan Nikolov
Build Your Own Personalized Meal Plan
Do you know how to tweak your diet so that you continue to stay on the path of progress week after week after week? My FREE ebook course ($47 value) will turn you into a sports nutrition specialist.
Upon completing the course you will be able to:
Easily establish your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
- Find out your exact Daily Energy Expenditure (DEE)
- Precisely determine your Total Daily Calorie intake (TDC)
- Prepare a diet plan in line with your specific body needs and fitness goal
- Tweak your diet as your body changes
Ivan Nikolov's Fitness & Bodybuilding Nutrition Program (FITNA)
FITNA - Bodybuilding Nutrition Online Software Program
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Here's How Easy It Is:
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- Set up the fitness nutrition tool FitNA according to the instructions
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All that's left for you to do is go shopping and then go lift weights. Astonishing, isn't it?
Think you can't afford it, think again! It's cheaper than you think, check it out.
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