The bench press competition at the 2008 Olympia was different than in previous years. The bench pressers would have to bench a weight for a 2 rep minimum in their weight class. The bencher who could do the most reps would win the competition. Some of the best bench pressers in the world competed in this event.
The competitors in the heavy weights were Scott Mendelson, Glen Russo, Rio Gig, Shawn Lattimer and Tiny Meeker. Scott Mendelson was the winner. None of them benched 1000lbs, but he benched 800lbs for the most reps. The middle weight contest was between Jim Grantetite and Rob Luyando. With Luyando winning. The light middle weight division was between Jason Coker, Joe Mazza, Jay Fry, Jesse Kellum, and Brad Heck. Jay Fry placed second and Jason Coker was the winner bench pressing 700x3, 600x4 and 500x8. The contest was very hardcore and spectator entertaining.
Jason Coker- Current 181lbs bench press world record champion and king.
Brad Heck- 181lbs bench press world record holder for a year and a half.