The #1 Workout To Flatten Your Stomach From Home

U.S. Marine: “10 Minutes Of This BURNS More Fat Than 60 Minutes Of Cardio.”


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Hi, I'm Zach Zenios.

Zach Zenios

Zach Zenios


I’m a certified personal trainer.

And I served in the US Marine Corps for 4 years…

Before getting my Master’s degree in Exercise & Nutrition Science from the University of Tampa.

So far, I've helped thousands of women and men flatten their bellies in a matter of weeks…

Even if they had bad genetics or had never been slim in their entire lives.

I bet your story isn’t any different than theirs.

You may have stayed relatively slim eating pizza or dessert every now and then.

But after 30, it’s like your metabolism gets paralyzed.

Your pants start feeling tighter.

Your t-shirts cling to your tummy.

So you start cutting out delicious foods like pasta and bread.

Yet your weight is up and down like a roller coaster.

Then, you add marathon cardio sessions to your busy schedule.

Still, it’s as if you’ve lost control of your own body.

You might gain 10 lbs…which turns into 20…and often 30+ lbs.

Maybe you feel self-conscious when you order something you WANT to eat at a restaurant...instead of another bland salad.

Does any of that sound familiar?

Well, I want you to know that none of this is your fault.

The fitness industry has sold you crash diets and confused you with conflicting info.

They manipulate you to do more…

When you really need to do less.

That’s why I created a powerful solution that melts away nagging fat like a blowtorch to butter.

In fact, it’s already helped thousands of people trim inches off their midsections.

My program is called

Slide Your Way To A Flat Stomach.

All you need is 10 minutes and a pair of these sliders…

Just follow the lightning-fast workouts from your living room to ignite your fat-burning metabolism all… day… long…

So you're melting away excess fat from your stomach, thighs, neck, and arms.

Imagine confidently showing off your flat abdomen, whether you're out with friends or lounging by the pool.

Onlookers stare in awe at your toned body…

While your friends beg you for your secret.

So what is the secret behind Slide Your
Way To A Flat Stomach?

It uses a science-backed and shockingly effective technique called Omni-Vector Activation

Where your muscles work in multiple directions at once.

This might sound weird, but take a look at more traditional exercises like…

Do you see what these exercises all have in common?

They're only working your muscles in ONE direction.

We can do better than that!

Now, take a look at similar exercises using

Omni-Vector Activation

It all starts with these 2 sliders.

Place our special sliders under your hands or feet.

Follow my beginner-friendly routine.

And you’ll skyrocket your muscle activation as they work from every angle…

While you tap into your deepest, most stubborn fat stores to fuel your muscles.

In fact, your body has to work twice as hard in a fraction of the time.

And don't worry, this doesn't mean your workout FEELS twice as hard.

Your metabolism simply cranks into overdrive to rush nutrients to your muscles.

No surprise, just one 10-minute workout puts you into fat-melting mode longer than 60 minutes of grueling cardio.

It’s all thanks to our unique sliders and Omni-Vector Activation.

Now let me tell you what you get in
Slide Your Way To A Flat Stomach

2 Premium Sliders

These are the secret to Omni-Vector Activation that I mentioned earlier.

We tested sliders from countless manufacturers, and most were flimsy or slipped around.

But we finally found the perfect sliders that are durable, and comfortable to use on any surface.

Then, I’m going to show you exactly HOW to use these sliders with the…

Follow Along Workout Videos

You get instant digital access to four 10-minute workouts using our premium sliders. :

  • The Core Shredder Workout for washboard abs that turns heads on the beach…
  • The Full Body Toner Workout to sculpt your entire body and send your metabolism through the roof…
  • The Upper Body Burner Workout for defined shoulders, chest, arms, and back muscles…
  • And the Lower Body Gauntlet Workout to eliminate the chub rub and carve out strong legs…

And don’t worry if you're a total newbie or haven’t worked out in 2 decades.

I'll guide you through every exercise step-by-step, like I'm right there with you.

Slide Your Way To A Flat Stomach Quick Start Guide

Any new journey can feel like getting sprayed with a firehose.

The Quick Start Guide organizes all the info into a simple, step-by-step overview.

You’ll know how the program works, what your schedule is, and any info to get started in under 5 minutes.

So take a deep breath. You're going to be so proud of yourself when you get started.

Slide Your Way To A Flat Stomach Workout Log

The Workout Log lists every exercise, set, and rep, so you never have to guess what to do.

You can also track all your progress. Because if you can't measure it, you don't know if you’re making progress.

Just follow along and record your results for every set. You'll feel on top of the world knowing your hard work is paying off.

But you might be thinking, what about nutrition?

That's where my first free gift comes in.

Gift #1: Sculpted Six Pack Nutrition Guide

A simple, no-nonsense guide that includes a:

  • Calorie Intake Formula
  • Ultimate Food List
  • 7-Day Meal Plan
  • Body Type Guide
  • The Controversial Guide On Cheating Your Way To A Flat Belly, and much more!

Don’t worry. This isn’t some super restrictive or cookie cutter diet.

You can take our plan and easily swap in foods you enjoy.

Gift #2: 5-Minute Flat Belly Burnout Video

Add this short, yet intense finisher workout to your Slide Your Way To A Flat Stomach workouts.

And it’s like cranking up your metabolism from an F1 race car to a supersonic fighter jet.

Gift #3: 3-Minute Safe & Strong Warm Up Routine Video

Do this quick warm-up before your workouts to stay injury-free…

While also stoking your fat-burning furnace for the quick workout ahead of you.

Alright, that's everything.

This entire package retails at $197.

But I don’t want to charge that much out of the gate.

I want an endless amount of success stories.

To incentivize you try Slide Your Way To A Flat Stomach and send in your success story…

I’m slashing the price for the first 100 members.

Today, you get
Slide Your Way To A Flat Stomach
for a one-time payment of $37

+ FREE shipping & handling on the sliders.

That's a whopping $160 off.

Listen, as soon as we reach 100 members, the price will jump back up to the retail price.

So here's what to do next.

Click the Add To Cart button below to order the Slide Your Way To A Flat Stomach Workout Videos, Premium Sliders, Quick Start Guide, and Workout Log.

You'll also receive 3 free bonuses: Sculpted Six Pack Nutrition Guide, 5-Minute Flat Belly Burnout Video, and 3-Minute Safe & Strong Warm Up Routine Video.

+ 3 Free Gifts!

Cover image of Cover image of Cover image of
  • 2 Premium Sliders
  • Slide Your Way Follow Along Workout Videos
  • Workout Log
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Gift 1: Sculpted Six Pack Nutrition Guide
  • Gift 2: 5-Minute Flat Belly Burnout Video
  • Gift 3: 3-Minute Safe & Strong Warm Up Routine Video

Normal Price:


Today's Price:


+ FREE Shipping & Handling

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All transactions secured and encrypted

100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Guarantee

60-Day Flat Stomach Money-Back Guarantee

100% satisfied, 60-day refund guarantee!

Look, I know you've probably been let down before by all the gimmicky diets and fitness gadgets out there.

So we're proudly taking all the risk off your shoulders with our 60-Day Flat Belly Money Back Guarantee.

If you're not thrilled with your results for any reason, send an email to our support team within 60 days, and we'll happily refund every penny.

Please don't put this off though.

It would crush me if you missed out on this chance to finally get the flat stomach you’ve wanted for so long.

I’ve watched belly fat rob so many folks of their confidence.

Ladies who avoided getting intimate with their partners out of shame.

Guys who’d hide their guts with a shirt on the beach to supposedly “prevent sunburn”.

It’s like a horror story as they lose and regain the same weight for YEARS.

But that doesn’t have to be your reality.

In just a few short weeks from now, you could dissolve pounds of stubborn fat from your belly, love handles, lower back, thighs, arms, and face.

Siip into your old skinny jeans, yoga pants, or swimsuit…

And prove to yourself and the world that anything is possible.

But it all starts by making a decision right now.

So go ahead and click the button below to try
Slide Your Way To A Flat Stomach.

Remember, the first 100 members get the lowest price ever, before it skyrockets back to retail price.

And you have nothing to lose thanks to our 60-Day Flat Belly Money Back Guarantee.

I can’t wait to hear about your inspiring success story.

Click Here To Order

All major credit cards accepted.

All transactions secured and encrypted

100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Guarantee