Thomas Stellander Official Web site:
About Thomas Stellander
The future:
My focus is on 2-4 competitions next year, but which ones are not yet decided.
Athletic history:
I was a promising soccer player until I broke my leg in 1987, with the consequence of having my leg in cast for 9 months. A short period of time later, I started my first diet to compete in Stavanger Grand Prix. I couldn�t complete the diet, so I started playing soccer again. In august 1988 I broke the leg again, so my bodybuilding carreer took another turn, but this time for real! I stayed in soccer circles for a short period of time as a coach in 89/90.
My first competitive experience as a bodybuilder was the local city competition of Troms� in 1989. I competed as a junior. In 1991 I moved to Oslo to work out in Harald's Gym. My next competition was the North Norwegian championship in 1993. I also attended the Nationals that year. I moved back to my hometown by the end of 1994. From this moment until June of 99 I hardly worked out at all. Since then my workout has been a priority and a lifestyle.
Other interests:
I enjoy outdoor activities like fishing and hiking in the forest and the mountains with my family and good friends, carrying a heavy backpack with LOADS of good food. I have been around most of Finnmark and Troms, the northernmost counties of Norway, and I�ve also had the great pleasure of hunting bears in Canada and salmon fishing in Kodiak, Alaska.
Thomas Stellander: Personal Trainer and Dietary Expert
If you�re struggling with your diet, and are lacking motivation in your training, this could be exactly what you need!
Thomas is experienced and very competent in these issues. He works as a professional dietary consultant and is also very active in relevant forums on the internett. His guidance will make you reach your highest potential.
Thomas� clients are anyone from professional soccer players to the normal men or women wanting to get in shape. Major companies have also seeked Thomas� expert advise and consultations. No matter at what level or in what shape you�re in, Thomas will find the best possible plan for your improvement. You may choose to train under the guidance of Thomas for a shorter or longer period of time.
Please do not hesitate to contact Thomas Stellander;
Phone number: +47 -90844424
Thomas Stellander's MERITS city championship, Troms� 89 class junior +80 kg North Norweationals -90 kg 93 Nationals 2000 -100 kg and overall Nordic championshipgian competition +90 kg and overall 93 N 2000 -100 kg Nationals 2001 -100 kg and overall Nutrition outlet gp Stockholm Nutrition outlet gp Str�mstad Nationals 2002 -100 kg and overall
Pro Card 2003 Australia Grand Prix 2004 Orlando Pro 2004 Night og the Champions 2004 San Francisco 2005 Australia Grand Prix 2005
Plans for the future?
To become as good as possible.
My best result?
National winner overall, 3yrs in a row 2000/2001/2002