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April 2, 2006
Female Bodybuilder Joanna Thomas Tribute

Joanna Thomas's Official Website:

Joanna Thomas Bio

I was born on 12 December 1976, in Truro, Cornwall, England, UK. I had chronic athsma, so I didn't participate in any strenuous physical activities to speak of, though I would have liked to. At 14 years of age, I came across a BB Magazine belonging to a college student who was staying with my family, and I was completely inspired by the way the women looked.

Youngest Woman To Get Her Pro Card

It took 3 months until I had built up enough courage to finally go to the gym... and I'll always remember what I said, at 107 lbs., straight up and down in shape... I said to the gym owner's wife, "I want to build muscle", to a reply of, "now you leave that to the men, dear". But her husband game me a 3 split routine a week and for 2 years I did that routine and gained 91 pounds, while eating only 3 meals a day and no supplements.

By 17 I had a burning desire so strong to be a bodybuilder and I knew what I was to do with my life. It's hard to explain, I now see it as something I was meant to do and be, a bodybuilder first and then I wanted to compete. By 17 I began training and a bodybuilding lifestyle and my motivation came from within.

Joanna's Contest History

I first competed in England at age 20, got my pro card at the British Championships at 21, and took 2 years to prepare for a pro show in the USA. My pro debut was at the 2001 Jan Tana, which I won, qualifying me for the Ms. Olympia and achieving the dream of getting up on the Ms.O stage. After taking some time off and focusing on things other than bodybuilding, I came back to compete in the Jan Tana again in '03, but didn't prepare quite long enough to achieve the condition I was after. You'll see me onstage again soon enough... so stay tuned!

EFBB Northeast Qualifier MW 1st 1997

EFBB British Championships LW 3rd 1997

EFBB Northwest Qualifier MW 1st 1998

EFBB British Championships LW
1st & Overall (pro card) 1998

IFBB Jan Tana Classic LW 1st 2001

IFBB Ms. Olympia 10th 2001

IFBB Jan Tana Classic LW 2nd 2003

IFBB GNC Classic LW 2nd 2004

IFBB Ms. Olympia LW 7th 2004

Joanna Thomas's Videos

Joanna Thomas Shows Her Big Muscles

Female Bodybuilder Joanna Thomas Working Out


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