Get Toned & Sexy Legs From Home In 21 Days

Without A Gym, Starvation Diets, Or Bulky Thighs


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100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Guarantee

Hi, My Name Is Ashley Lamont.

Ashley Lamont

I’m a NASM certified personal trainer and certified nutrition coach.

As the #1 trainer in Tampa Bay, I’ve helped thousands of ladies transform their bodies.

I take my passion and determination as a competitive bodybuilder to coach ladies from all walks of life – whether they’re busy moms or in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond.

But I’m not some fitness nut who does nothing but workout.

I’m also a doctoral student, entrepreneur, and a mother of a beautiful 3-year old girl.

I Want To Help You…

Sculpt Defined, Jaw-Dropping Legs
In The Next 21 Days!

No gym needed
No Gym Needed
4 Days/Week
4 Days/Week
Less than 20 minutes workouts
< 20-Min Workouts
Any Training Levels
Any Training Levels
All Body Types & Genetics
All Body Types & Genetics
No Bulky Thighs
No Bulky Thighs

Introducing …

21-Day Sculpt Your Legs

21-Day Sculpt Your Legs is your blueprint for sculpting defined legs…

Hypnotizing onlookers like you’re a stunning vixen with the world at her fingertips.

You don’t need a gym or long cardio sessions.

It’s just 4 follow-along workouts a week lasting 15-20 minutes.

A woman wearing a gorgeous blue dress and standing at a seaside overlook

You'll finally flaunt your gorgeous legs with confidence.

And turn heads in a dazzling sundress o clr curve-hugging leggings.

Imagine the looks of admiration (and a hint of envy) you'll get from friends, family, and that special someone.

They won't believe the transformation you've achieved in just 21 short days!

What's The Secret Behind
21-Day Sculpt Your Legs?

21-Day Sculpt Your Legs is the ONLY program using "metabolite trapping".

Here’s how metabolite trapping sets work…

Our special Sculpting Straps place constant tension on your leg muscles.
This traps blood containing metabolites in your legs.
This metabolite trapping signals your legs to get firmer, leaner, and stronger!

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All transactions secured and encrypted

100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Guarantee

Here's What You Get With
21-Day Sculpt Your Legs

21-Day Sculpt Your Legs Workout Videos

The 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs Workout Videos

You get instant digital access to 4 follow-along leg workouts videos.

Each workout is only 15-20 minutes and uses metabolite trapping to sculpt lean, sexy legs.

I'll guide you through every movement.

You’ll know exactly how to sculpt your legs – even if you're a total beginner or have bad knees.

Sculpting Straps

An image of sculpting straps

These Sculpting Straps are the key to achieving lean, toned legs with metabolite trapping.

Our premium-quality straps are comfortable, durable, and provide the perfect resistance to melt away jiggly thigh fat and tone your thighs.

21-Day Sculpt Your Legs Quick Start Guide

The 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs Quick Start Guide

I know just how overwhelming starting a new program can be.

Fortunately, our Quick Start Guide gives you a step-by-step overview for the next 21 days.

There's no need for guesswork or confusion...

Because this guide tells you what you need to get started and sculpt a beautiful set of legs.

21-Day Sculpt Your Legs Workout Log

The 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs Workout Log

The 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs Workout Log lays out your entire routine.

It tells you every exercise, set, and rep without any guesswork.

Just follow along and watch as you get leaner, stronger legs.

But you might be wondering, what about the rest of your body?

That’s where my free gifts come in.

Gift #1: Upper Body Sculpt Workout Videos

The Upper Body Sculpt Workout Videos

Firm and tone your arms, shoulders, and back with these four 10-minute workouts.

NOTE: These are already added to the end of each 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs workout video.

Gift #2: 3-Minute Mobility Flow Video

The 3-Min Mobility Flow Video

This quick warm-up activates your leg muscles and prepares your body for your sculpting workouts.

Gift #3: Shapely Legs Nutrition Guide

The Shapely Legs Nutrition Guide

While the workouts signal your legs to grow, you need to fuel your body to actually recover.

In the 21 Day Sculpt Your Legs Nutrition Guide, we'll give you a simple method to calculate your caloric intake and make sure you're eating enough protein to chisel that goddess figure of yours.

This guide will help you to: eat smart to support your activity level, form sustainable habits and avoid strict restrictive diets that end up failing you.

Limited Time:
Save 75% Off On 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs

+ 3 Free Gifts!

Cover image of the upper body sculpt video Cover image of the 3 minutes mobility flow video Cover image of the nutrition guide
  • 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs Workout Videos
  • Sculpting Straps
  • 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs Quick Start Guide
  • 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs Workout Log
  • Gift 1: Upper Body Sculpt Workout Videos
  • Gift 2: 3-Minute Mobility Flow Video
  • Gift 3: Shapely Legs Nutrition Guide

Normal Price:


Today's Price:


+ FREE Shipping & Handling

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All major credit cards accepted.

All transactions secured and encrypted

100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Guarantee

60-Day Sexy Legs Money-Back Guarantee

100% satisfied, 60-day refund guarantee!

Try 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs risk-free for a full 60 days.

If you're not thrilled with your results, email us for a quick 100% refund - no questions asked.

That means you could test drive the program nearly 3 times before making up your mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs?

21-Day Sculpt Your Legs is a digital leg routine to sculpt a stunning set of movie star legs in 21 days.

You workout 4 days a week for 15-20 minutes. The Upper Body Sculpt workouts add another 10 minutes (if you want to train the rest of your body).

Once you purchase the program, you get instant digital access.

And you’ll receive Sculpting Straps in the mail within 5-7 days. The exact shipping time depends on your location.

Q: How is 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs different from other leg routines?

21-Day Sculpt Your Legs is the ONLY workout program using metabolite trapping.

Our metabolite trapping method is scientifically proven to activate and tone your leg muscles - no matter your age or fitness level.

Q: What if I can’t do the movements in 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs?

I know some people suffer from joint pain, poor mobility, or are total novices.

That’s why we made the entire routine beginner-friendly. Just follow the simple movements and watch your legs get firmer and leaner.

Q: What equipment do I need for 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs?

All you need is your set of Sculpting Straps, which I'll send you when you join the program. You can follow 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs from the comfort of your home.

Q: I'm really busy. Will I have time for this?

The leg workouts are just 15-20 minutes, 4 days a week, for only 21 days.

And the Upper Body Sculpt Workouts add another 10 minutes to the end of each workout.

You can easily fit them into your day - even if you're juggling work, family, and a social life.

Remember, if you’re not willing to sacrifice a few minutes of social media scrolling…

How will you ever enjoy the flawless figure of your dreams?

Q: What if I'm not satisfied with my results?

You're protected by my 60-Day Sexy Legs Money-Back Guarantee.

If you don't love your results, just email me within 60 days for a full refund.

Q: Why is there a discount? What's the catch?

I'm offering 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs at a 75% discount for a limited time to celebrate the program's launch.

Once the first 100 spots are gone, the price goes back up to $149.

Q: How do I get started?

Click the "Add To Cart" button below to get instant access to 21-Day Sculpt Your Legs.

I can't wait to help you get the sexy, sculpted legs you deserve!

Click Here To Order

All major credit cards accepted.

All transactions secured and encrypted

100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Guarantee