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April 2, 2006
Female Bodybuilder Lisa Aukland Tribute

Lisa Aukland Pics

About Lisa Aukland

My first bodybuilding show was the �Levrone Classic� in Glen Burnie Maryland, 1995. I started off with a bang winning the middleweight class and taking the overall title. Yaz Boyum, now an IFBB Pro, was the lightweight winner that year.

I jumped right up to the national level competing in the NPC Jr. Nationals in 1996. I took fourth place with Amy Pazzo and Gayle Moher, both current IFBB Pros, placing ahead of me.

Being a life-time drug-free athlete, I decided to compete by way of a �drug tested� competition. I began a successful run at the largest national level drug tested bodybuilding show, the NPC Team Universe Championships. I took fourth in 1998 only to come back and win first place and overall winner for the next three years in a row-1999, 2000, and 2001.

These wins sent me to compete in the IFBB World Amateur Championships representing the United States women�s heavyweight division. I brought home a silver medal from Australia in 1999. In 2000, I �eeked� into the finals by taking 6th place in Warsaw, Poland. I had way too much on my plate that year. I was working full time and decided to take on a part-time job teaching college level �Paramedic Pharmacology�. WAY too much work while trying to prepare for the �Worlds�. Unfortunately the 2001 IFBB World Amateur Championships were called off for the Americans due to an international travel advisory in response to the events of 9/11. I was looking forward to competing in Rio de Janiero, Brazil for my third try at the �Worlds�

In September 2001, I won the heavyweight and overall titles at the IFBB North American Championships in Canada. Thus I obtained that coveted Pro card. A real dream come true!

Lisa Aukland Videos

Lisa Aukland at the 2007 Arnold Classic

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