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Keep training hard,
Mike Westerdal
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Today I’m sharing a link to one of my favorite strength and bodybuilding supplement sites. It’s called AS Research (short for Anabolic Secrets) and it’s owned by a guy named Rick Gray who puts his money where his mouth is. In my opinion he has the best creatine product on the market as well as some great natural testosterone boosting products.
I”ve been bragging about the Critical Bench community and was able to negotiate a 15% OFF For Life coupon code that we can use on any product.
For a full listing of supplements visit this link:
When checking out enter the coupon code: CB15
Right now I am personally taking Hyper Gain Creatine. I love it because it uses Kre-Alkalyn. This was my recommendation for Rick actually and I’m glad he listened. You should be 18-years old to use it though because there are some testosterone boosting agents in the compound as well.
To read more about Hyper Gain Click Here.
To watch a video about Hyper Gain Click Here.
By now you guys should know that I’m not a huge fan of supplements in general. I always think you’ll get your best results from eating lots of whole organic foods. However when it comes to strength I’ve always been a huge fan of Kre-Alkalyn.
As a guy in my mid-thirties I like that it has some test-boosting ingredients too like I said.
A lot of powerlifters I know love this supplement as well including my friends Gene Fair and Brian Carroll.
“I like Hyper Gain not only because it gives me full and harder muscles but the
intensity and mental focus it gives allows me to push harder and train heavier
resulting in bigger strength gains.”
Gene Fair – Elite Level Powerlifter
“I have used every brand of creatine on the market today, and none compare
to hypergain! Its the only thing I added to my arsenal when my bench went from
733 to 785 in 2 months! Hyper Gain is the real deal!”
Brian Carroll – Brian Carroll pro powerlifter
national, world, American, and state record holder and wpc 2008 world champion
For a full listing of supplements visit this link:
When checking out enter the coupon code: CB15