Reverse Band Bench Press is very useful for building the lockout strength for the bench press and doing a lot of overload work for the triceps. While the movement feels the same as a barbell bench press with bands the setup is very different. First, take a bench and put it in a squat rack with the head of the bench nearest the hooks for the barbell to rest in. Position the hooks on the rack at the same height of a normal bench press. Loop the bands over the highest point of the rack and choke them off to one end. Take the other ends and put them on the barbell. Depending on the strength and age of the bands you are using the bands should keep the barbell suspended in air. If the bar isn't sitting parallel to the floor give a good tug on the side that is the highest. This should tighten the side up a bit and pull some of the slack out of the band at the top and make it even. Procede to bench like you would normally. You will probably end up using a much heavier bar weight than usual for this exercise. To get a basic idea to see how much weight the band setup you are using is taking off the bottom of the lift you just subtract the weight it takes the bar to sink to the position of being at your chest from the weight of the bar sitting in the bands and not stretching.
This exercise will smoke your triceps so be mentally ready for some soreness.
Reverse Bands Bench Press Chest Exercise - Start Position
Reverse Bands Bench Press Chest Exercise Workout Video