Lay on top of the ball in a supine position with your legs bent at a 90-degrees and feet firmly on the ground.
The stability ball should be between your hips and shoulders following the curvature of the spine. Arms should be held behind your head, but be sure not pull on
your neck to assist the abs. Relax in this position to obtain a stretch of the abdominal wall. Now flex flex your midsection
raising your shoulder blades off the stability ball. As you raise your shoulde blades twist your torso so that the your right
elbow reaches accross your body.
Be careful not to come up too high because the tension in the muscles will decrease. Squeeze the
abs at the top of the motion and slowly lower yourself back to a fully relaxed and stretched position. Now repeat to the opposite side.
Oblique Crunch With Stability Ball - Start Position
Oblique Crunch With Stability Ball - Finish Position
Stability Ball Obliqe Crunch Version 2 Exercise Video